constraints - Constraints

Specifies number constraints.




	<xe:djNumberConstraints attributes>content</xe:djNumberConstraints>


In Design mode, click All Properties and look for constraints under data.
The number constraints are properties of an object of type xe:djNumberConstraints as follows:
Table 1. Number constraints
Property Description
currency="code" (Currency only) ISO 4217 currency code, for example, USD.
fractional="enable|disable|auto|true|false" (Currency only) Whether to include the fractional part of the number.
loaded="true|false" Whether the tag instance should be created when the page is loading. Defaults to true.
locale="Albanian|...|Vietnamese" Overrides the locale used for formatting rules. Must be in the extraLocale list specified during dojo bootstrap.
max="n" Maximum value that the user can enter.
min="n" Minimum value that the user can enter.
pattern="pattern" Overrides the localized convention. All users see the same behavior. Your application cannot be globalized. See Unicode Technical Standard 35.
places="n" Number of digits following the decimal point.
strict="true|false" Strict parsing. Defaults to false which is more tolerant regarding abbreviations, white space, and other user input.
symbol="s" (Currency only) Overrides the localized symbol. Defaults to a lookup in the localized table of supported currencies.
type="decimal|scientific|percent|currency" Format type.


This example consists of a currency text box bound to a scoped variable, a button for submitting the page, and a computed field that displays the value of the scoped variable. Constraints are put on the user input.
		<xp:td>Currency Text Box</xp:td>
			<xe:djCurrencyTextBox id="djCurrencyTextBox1" value="#{sessionScope.djCurrencyTextBox1}">
				<xe:djNumberConstraints currency="USD" max="100"
					min=".99" type="currency">
			<xp:button value="submit" id="button1">
				<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true" refreshMode="complete" immediate="false" save="true">
		<xp:td><xp:text escape="true" id="computedField1" value="#{sessionScope.djCurrencyTextBox1}"></xp:text></xp:td>