Setting general Domino® Designer user preferences

You can customize many of the general settings of Domino® Designer so that the tool functions the way you that want.

Accessing the Domino® Designer Preferences panel

To access the Lotus® Editor Preferences panel, choose File >Preferences >Domino Designer. From this panel, you can access and change settings in the following areas:

  • General settings
  • Working Sets settings
  • Messages settings
  • Eclipse view behavior settings
  • Default language type settings

General settings

To access these settings, choose File >Preferences >Domino Designer. You can change the following settings areas from the General area of the Domino® Designer Preferences panel.

  • Show error notifications in the Applications Navigator - Make sure this is checked (default setting) if you wish to have error application notifications displayed in the Applications Navigator.
  • Enable Eclipse plug-in install - Make sure this is checked (default setting) if you wish to have to have new Eclipse plug-in updates installed automatically.
  • Open the Infobox (properties box) when opening design elements like forms and views - Make sure this is checked (default setting) if you wish to have the Infobox (properties box) displayed when opening design elements like forms and views.
  • Web preview port - Lets you set the number of the Web preview port. The default port number is 80. If this is not set to port 80, you should adjust your URL from http://localhost/yourapp to http://localhost:8080/yourapp (for example, if your port setting is 8080).

Working sets settings

When working with applications, you may wish to group several applications together as a "working set." The Applications Navigator can use working sets to restrict the sets of applications that are displayed. If a working set is selected in the Applications Navigator, only resources, children of resources, and parents of resources contained in the working set are shown.

To access the Working Sets preferences, choose File >Preferences >Domino Designer . These settings are located in the second group of settings found on this panel. You can change the following Working Sets settings:

  • Always add the application to the current working set - Make sure this is checked if you wish to always add an application to the current working set when opening or creating an application.
  • Never add the application to the current working set; if the application is in a working set, open that working set. Note: Working sets will be turned off if the application isn't in any working set - Make sure this is checked if you wish to never add the current application to the current working set; if the application is in a working set, open that working set.
  • Ask me - Make sure this is checked (default setting) if you always want to be prompted to add an application to a working set.

Messages settings

To access the Messages preferences, choose File >Preferences >Domino Designer . These settings are located in the third group of settings found on this panel. You can change the following Messages settings:

  • Show warning when editing design elements that inherit from a template - Make sure this is checked (default setting) if you want this kind of message display behavior.
  • Show warning when saving an XPage or Custom Control when "Build Automatically" is turned off - Make sure this is checked (default setting) if you want this kind of message display behavior.
  • Show warning when removing a working set - Make sure this is checked (default setting) if you want this kind of message display behavior.
  • Show warning when closing an Eclipse - Make sure this is checked (default setting) if you want this kind of message display behavior.

Eclipse view behavior settings

To access the Eclipse view behavior preferences, choose File >Preferences >Domino Designer . These settings are located in the fourth group of settings found on this panel. These settings let you customize which Eclipse views are minimized or opened when you open design elements like forms and views. You can control the behavior of the following Eclipse views:

  • Outline
  • Controls
  • Properties
  • Events
  • Problems
  • Data

You also have the option to select to always save the last state of the Eclipse views. See the HCL Domino® Designer Basic User Guide and Reference for more information on the specific views just mentioned.

Default language type settings

To access the Default language type settings preferences, choose File >Preferences >Domino Designer . These settings are located in the fifth group of settings found on this panel. These settings let you customize the default language that you want associated with application elements including script libraries, agents, web service providers, and web service consumers. You can change the following Default language type settings:

  • Script libraries - Lets you customize the default language that you want associated with this application element. The choices are LotusScript® (default setting), Java, JavaScript, and Server JavaScript.
  • Agents - Lets you customize the default language that you want associated with this application element. The choices are Formula, Simple Actions, LotusScript® (default setting), Imported Java, and Java.
  • Web Service Providers - Lets you customize the default language that you want associated with this application element. The choices are LotusScript® (default setting) and Java.
  • Web Service Consumers - Lets you customize the default language that you want associated with this application element. The choices are LotusScript® (default setting) and Java.