pager - Pager

Pages data for a container control where its data cannot be displayed in one window.


Core Controls


<xp:pager attributes>
	<xp:pagerControl attributes></xp:pagerControl> <!--if custom for page style-->
Table 1. Essential properties
Property Description
id (pager) Defaults to pager1, pager2, and so on.

(pagerControl) Defaults to pagerControl1, pagerControl2, and so on.

layout (pager) To lay out the controls, use either this property or embed pagerControl controls.
for (pager) Use only when the pager is not inside the target control.
type (pagerControl) The type is generated when you use Custom for Pager style in the pager.
Table 2. All properties (pager)
Category Properties
accessibility ariaLabel, role, title
Note: The role property is obsolete starting with 9.0.1. By default the appropriate compliant value is generated. For compliance with accessibility standards, do not specify a value for this property.
basics attrs, alwaysCalculateLast, binding, dir, for, id, lang, loaded, pageCount, partialExecute, partialRefresh, rendered, rendererType
format layout, panelPosition
styling disableTheme, outerStyleClass, style, styleClass, themeId
Table 3. All properties (pagerControl)
Category Properties
accessibility accesskey, alt, role, tabindex, title
Note: The role property is obsolete starting with 9.0.1. By default the appropriate compliant value is generated. For compliance with accessibility standards, do not specify a value for this property.
basics binding, dir, id, lang, loaded, rendered, rendererType, type, value
events action, actionListener, actionListeners, immediate, onblur, onclick, ondblclick, onfocus, onkeydown, onkeypress, onkeyup, onmousedown, onmousemove, onmouseout, onmouseover, onmouseup
format image
styling currentStyleClass, disableTheme, firstStyleClass, lastStyleClass, style, styleClass, themeId


At run time, the user can click the pager to iterate through data in a control that allows data iteration such as view panel.

A pager can be placed in a facet region inside the control with the data. Alternatively a pager can be associated with the data control through the for property.

Pager controls are generated two ways:
  • Specifying the layout property. In Design mode, click the top tab under Properties and select one of the Sample options for Pager style.
  • Embedding pagerControl controls. In Design mode, click the top tab under Properties and select Custom for Pager style.


This View Panel control contains a Pager control:
<xp:viewPanel rows="30" id="viewPanel1">
		<xp:pager partialRefresh="true"
			layout="Previous Separator Group Separator Next"
			xp:key="headerPager" id="pager1">
		<xp:dominoView var="view2" viewName="main"></xp:dominoView>
	<xp:viewColumn columnName="subject" id="viewColumn1">
		<xp:viewColumnHeader value="subject"
	<xp:viewColumn columnName="fruit" id="viewColumn2">
		<xp:viewColumnHeader value="fruit" id="viewColumnHeader2"></xp:viewColumnHeader>