cloudData - Cloud Data

Provides data for a tag cloud.




	<xe:dominoViewCloudData attributes>content</xe:dominoViewCloudData>
Table 1. Properties for xe:dominoViewCloudData
Property Description
cacheMode off, auto, or manual. Defaults to auto.
cacheRefreshInterval Number of seconds between refreshes if cacheMode is manual.
categoryColumn Number of the categorized view column. Defaults to 0.
linkMetaSeparator Delimiter used with linkRequestParam where the categorized view column generates data in the format tagname separator metadata. Defaults to using the actual tag value for the request parameter value.
linkRequestParam Name of the URL request parameter for the generated tag links. Defaults to no URL request parameter
linkTargetPage Name of the XSP file that defines the page to be opened when a tag is clicked.
loaded whether the tags are created when the page is loaded. Defaults to true.
maxTagLimit Maximum tags in the cloud. Defaults to 50.
minEntryCount Minimum entries for inclusion in the cloud. Default depends on the number of documents in the view.
sortTags alphabet for sorting alphabetically or weight for sorting by occurrence count. Defaults to alphabet.
tagThreshold Number of new tags that triggers cloud recomputation.
viewName Name of a categorized Domino view. Required


In Design mode, click All Properties and look for cloudData under data.