Dojo Animation (Simple actions)

Applies animation to a control.

Defined in

Extension Library

Type of simple action

Dojo Effects (Client)


<xe:dojoAnimateProperty node="target" duration="ms" rate="ms" delay="ms loaded="true|false" easing="function" repeat="number" var="name"><xe:this.attributes><xp:parameter name="name" value="value" loaded="true|false"</xp:parameter>...</xe:this.attributes><><xe:dojoAnimationProps name="width" start="200" end="400" loaded="true|false" unit="px|pc|pt|mm|cm|in|ex|em"></xe:dojoAnimationProps> ...</> ...</xe:dojoAnimateProperty>
Table 1. Attributes
Attribute Description
attributes="json" List of JSON formatted values passed as is.
delay="ms" Wait time before starting the animation in milliseconds. Defaults to 0.
duration="ms" Duration of the animation in milliseconds. Defaults to 350.
easing="function" Function that returns the rate of change of the animation over its duration.
left="pixels"xxx Left position to which the target slides in pixels.
loaded="true|false" Creates a tag instance when the control is loaded, or not. Defaults to true.
top="pixels"xxx Top position to which the target slides in pixels.
node="target" Identifier of the control to which the animation is applied.
properties="props" Sets of properties. Each set has the following properties:
  • end for the ending value.
  • loaded to create a tag instance when the control is loaded.
  • name to name the property.
  • start for the staring value.
  • unit to specify the unit of measurement: px for pixels (default), pc for picas, pt for points, mm for millimeters, cm for centimeters, in for inches, ex for the height of a lowercase x, or em for the current font size
rate="ms" Wait time between frames in milliseconds. Default is 20 which is 50 frames per second.
repeat="number" Number of times the animation loops.
var="name" Variable name to identify the animation.


Here two buttons increase and decrease the size of an area.
<xp:div id="div1" style="width: 200px; height: 200px;
	background-color:rgb(128,255,255)">Testing testing testing
<xp:button value="Label" id="button1">
	<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="false">
			<xe:dojoAnimateProperty node="div1" duration="3000" rate="100">
					<xe:dojoAnimationProps name="width" start="200" end="400"></xe:dojoAnimationProps>
					<xe:dojoAnimationProps name="height" start="200" end="400"></xe:dojoAnimationProps>
<xp:button value="Label" id="button2">
	<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="false">
			<xe:dojoAnimateProperty node="div1" duration="3000" rate="100">
					<xe:dojoAnimationProps name="width" start="400" end="200"></xe:dojoAnimationProps>
					<xe:dojoAnimationProps name="height" start="400" end="200"></xe:dojoAnimationProps>