Ejemplo: mandato de tarea de elemento de campaña para un desencadenante (tipo de comprobación diaria)

Al crear un desencadenante personalizado para una actividad de marketing, puede hacer referencia a este ejemplo cuando desarrolle el mandato de la tarea del desencadenante. Este desencadenante de ejemplo es un desencadenante de comprobación diaria.


A continuación se muestra el código de implementación del mandato de tarea para el desencadenante de ejemplo. Este desencadenante de registro de regalos encuentra todos los clientes para los que la fecha actual es un número determinado de días antes de un suceso de registro de regalos. Los directores de marketing podrían utilizar este desencadenante para comunicarse con los clientes que configuran un registro de regalos de la tienda, por ejemplo, para futuras esposas. Un determinado número de días antes del suceso del registro (por ejemplo, 30 días antes de la boda), el gestor de marketing podría utilizar este desencadenante para iniciar una actividad de diálogo que envíe un correo electrónico de actualización a la futura esposa.

package com.mycompany.commerce.marketing.commands.elements;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import com.ibm.commerce.base.objects.ServerJDBCHelperBean;
import com.ibm.commerce.emarketing.utils.EmailActivityStorePathHelper;
import com.ibm.commerce.foundation.common.exception.ApplicationError;
import com.ibm.commerce.foundation.common.util.logging.LoggingHelper;
import com.ibm.commerce.marketing.commands.elements.MarketingCampaignElementTaskCmdImpl;
import com.ibm.commerce.marketing.dialog.util.MarketingUtil;
import com.ibm.commerce.marketing.runtime.engine.Activity;
import com.mycompany.commerce.marketing.logging.CustomMarketingMessageKeys;

public class GiftRegistryTriggerTaskCmdImpl extends MarketingCampaignElementTaskCmdImpl implements GiftRegistryTriggerTaskCmd {

	 * The name of this class.
	public final static String CLASSNAME = GiftRegistryTriggerTaskCmdImpl.class.getName();
	private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggingHelper.getLogger(GiftRegistryTriggerTaskCmdImpl.class);

	private final static String PARAM_NUMBER_OF_DAYS = "numberOfDays";

	 * This method validates that all the required name-value pairs have been set for
	 * the campaign element. It checks if the numberOfDays parameter is set.  
	 * @param elementParameters: The name-value pairs for this element.
	 * @return: This method returns a list of ApplicationError exceptions
	 * that contains any validation errors. The list may be empty or be null.
	public List validateParameters(Map elementParameters) {
		final String METHOD_NAME = "validateParameters";
		if (LoggingHelper.isEntryExitTraceEnabled(LOGGER)) {
			LOGGER.entering(CLASSNAME, METHOD_NAME, elementParameters);
		List validationErrors = new ArrayList();
		Object numberOfDays = elementParameters.get(PARAM_NUMBER_OF_DAYS);
		if (numberOfDays == null || numberOfDays.toString().length() == 0) {
			ApplicationError validateError = new ApplicationError(
					null, LOGGER.getResourceBundleName());
		if (LoggingHelper.isEntryExitTraceEnabled(LOGGER)) {
			LOGGER.exiting(CLASSNAME, METHOD_NAME, validationErrors);
		return validationErrors;
	 * This method finds all the customers for whom the current date is
	 * the specified number of days before the customer's gift registry event date.
	 * A trigger is sent to the marketing services for each customer so that
	 * he or she will participate in the applicable Dialog activity. 
	 * If the activity is defined in a storefront asset store, then
	 * the customers are found in each extended site that refers to the storefront 
	 * asset store with a 'com.ibm.commerce.campaigns' relationship.
	public void forwardTriggersForProcessing() {
		final String METHOD_NAME = "forwardTriggersForProcessing";
		if (LoggingHelper.isEntryExitTraceEnabled(LOGGER)) {
		boolean traceEnabled = LoggingHelper.isTraceEnabled(LOGGER);

		Activity activity = getActivity();
		Integer elementId = getElementId();
		Integer storeId = activity.getStoreId();
		int numberOfDays = Integer.parseInt(MarketingUtil.findElementNVPByElementIdAndName(elementId.toString(), PARAM_NUMBER_OF_DAYS));

		if (traceEnabled) {
			LOGGER.logp(Level.FINE, CLASSNAME, METHOD_NAME, "activityId=" + activity.getId());
			LOGGER.logp(Level.FINE, CLASSNAME, METHOD_NAME, "elementId=" + elementId);
			LOGGER.logp(Level.FINE, CLASSNAME, METHOD_NAME, "storeId=" + storeId);
			LOGGER.logp(Level.FINE, CLASSNAME, METHOD_NAME, "numberOfDays=" + numberOfDays);
		try {
			// handle the activity in the store in which it is defined
			processGiftRegistryTrigger(storeId, elementId, activity.getId(), numberOfDays);
			// if this activity is defined in an asset store, then find the customers in each child store
			Integer[] storeIds = EmailActivityStorePathHelper.getStoresByRelatedStoreAndStoreRelType(
									storeId, com.ibm.commerce.server.ECConstants.EC_STRELTYP_CAMPAIGNS);
			if (storeIds != null){
				for (int j = 0; j < storeIds.length; j++) {
					if (!storeIds[j].toString().equals(storeId.toString())) {
						if (traceEnabled) {
							LOGGER.logp(Level.FINE, CLASSNAME, METHOD_NAME, "child storeId=" + storeIds[j]);
						processGiftRegistryTrigger(storeIds[j], elementId, activity.getId(), numberOfDays);
				} //end of for each store
		} catch (Exception e) {
			if (traceEnabled) {
				LOGGER.logp(Level.FINE, CLASSNAME, METHOD_NAME, "Exception: " + e);
		if (LoggingHelper.isEntryExitTraceEnabled(LOGGER)) {
	 * This method finds all the customers for whom the current date is
	 * the specified number of days before the customer's gift registry event date.
	 * The gift registry is associated with the provided store.
	 * A trigger is sent to the marketing services for each customer so that
	 * he or she will participate in the applicable Dialog activity. 
	 * @param storeId: The identifier of the store in which to find the applicable gift registries.
	 * @param elementId: The identifier of the trigger element.
	 * @param activityId: The identifier of the marketing activity.
	 * @param numberOfDays: The number of days before the gift registry event date.
	public void processGiftRegistryTrigger(Integer storeId, Integer elementId, Integer activityId, int numberOfDays) throws Exception{
		final String METHODNAME = "processGiftRegistryTrigger";
		if (LoggingHelper.isEntryExitTraceEnabled(LOGGER)) {
			LOGGER.entering(CLASSNAME, METHODNAME, new Object [] {storeId, elementId, activityId});
		 * The userList is a list with the customer information. Every element in 
		 * the list is a child list; in the child list, the first element is the customer's 
		 * member ID, and the second element is the customer's personalization ID.
		 * It is recommended to use the method ServerJDBCHelperBean().executeQuery()
		 * as this will return the list in the required format. The SQL used should select
		 * the member ID and personalization ID as the first two columns.
		String sql = ""/* SQL NOT PROVIDED */;
             List userList = SessionBeanHelper.lookupSessionBean(ServerJDBCHelperBean.class).executeQuery(sql);
		// use this method to have the marketing services send the trigger for each customer in the user list
		forwardTriggersForProcessing(userList, activityId, elementId, storeId);
		if (LoggingHelper.isEntryExitTraceEnabled(LOGGER)) {