HCL Commerce Comportamiento de coincidencia de palabras clave de búsqueda

El desencadenante El cliente somete la búsqueda sólo coincide en palabras separadas en la búsqueda del cliente.

Por ejemplo, si la regla tiene: contiene sistema, a continuación se muestran los resultados de evaluación de la regla de desencadenante para diferentes frases de búsqueda:
Frases y resultado de ejemplo
Frase de búsqueda de ejemplo Resultado
Sistema portátil Coincidencia
Ratón del sistema Coincidencia
Sistemas Ninguna coincidencia
El métodohandleNoExactMatchForSearchMarketingSpot() se ha definido en GetMar-ketingSpotDataCmdImpl que puede sustituir para personalizar el comportamiento. Itere en todas las zonas de búsqueda definidas para coincidencias contains/starts/ends:

 * This method returns the e-Marketing Spot object that corresponds to the e-Marketing
 * Spot name used in the Get MarketingSpotData request. For search e-Marketing Spots,
 * the e-Marketing Spot name is the search term entered by the customer. 
 * Before this method is called, the entire search term is checked for any defined
 * search e-Marketing Spots. If no search e-Marketing Spot is found, then this
 * method is called. This method has the following behavior:
 * If the customer search term has multiple words, then iterate through each word,
 * one at a time, starting with the first word.  Check if the individual word has a 
 * defined search e-Marketing Spot. For each word that has a defined
 * search e-Marketing Spot, then the associated search activities will be used.
 * For example, there is a search activity defined for the keyword 'computer'. 
 * The customer is performing a search for 'laptop computer special'.
 * <ul>
 * <li>First check for search e-Marketing Spot for 'laptop computer special'.</li>
 * <li>If none found, first check for search e-Marketing Spot for 'laptop'.</li>
 * <li>Next check for search e-Marketing Spot for 'computer'.</li>
 * <li>A search e-Marketing Spot is found, so use the search activities associated
 * with that e-Marketing Spot.</li>
 * <li>Next check for search e-Marketing Spot for 'special'.</li>
 * </ul>
 * For a customization, you may want to change the behavior so that the match is
 * not done on an individual keyword, but instead is on the entire search term. This
 * method can be overridden to implement that behavior. In that scenario, the following
 * three methods can be used:
 * <ul>
 * <li><code>MarketingEngineCache.singleton().getSearchEMarketingSpots(Integer storeId)</code>:
 * Use this method to get the set of currently defined search e-Marketing Spots. You
 * can go through the entire map and find the e-Marketing Spot that matches
 * the customer search term according to the custom requirement.</li>
 * <li><code>MarketingEngineCache.singleton().getEmarketingSpot(String name, String usage, Integer storeId)</code>: 
 * Use this method to return the applicable e-Marketing Spot object.</li>
 * <li><code>foundMatchForSearchMarketingSpot(eSpot, storeId, pznId)</code>: For each 
 * search e-Marketing Spot, call this method to call the search activities associated with
 * this e-Marketing Spot.
 * </ul>
 * <p>The following is an example of how to find matches where the desired search term
 * (which is stored in the search e-Marketing Spot names)
 * can be found anywhere in the customer's search term (which is the emsName parameter
 * passed into this method).
 * <pre>
		CampaignInitiativeCache.CachedEMarketingSpot returnESpot = null;
		Integer [] relatedStores = Substitution-Helper.getStorePath(MarketingMetadata.MARKETING_STORE_RELATIONSHIP);
		for (int i = 0; i < relatedStores.length; i++) {
			Map storeSearchSpots = MarketingEngine-Cache.singleton().getSearchEMarketingSpots(relatedStores[i]);
    		Iterator storeSearchSpotsIterator = storeSearchSpots.keySet().iterator();
    		while (storeSearchSpotsIterator.hasNext()) {
    			String spotName = (String)storeSearchSpotsIterator.next();
    			if (emsName.contains(spotName)) {
    				CampaignInitiativeCache.CachedEMarketingSpot eSpot = 
    					MarketingEngine-Cache.singleton().getEmarketingSpot(spotName, usage, relatedStores[i]);
					if (eSpot != null) {
						// found a partial match spot
						foundMatchForSearchMarketingSpot(eSpot, storeId, pznId);
						returnESpot = eSpot;
		return returnESpot; 
 * </pre>
 * @param emsName The name of the e-Marketing Spot in the Get MarketingSpotData request.
 * @param usage The usage of the e-Marketing Spot in the Get MarketingSpotData request.
 * @param storeId The ID of the store.
 * @param pznId The customer's personalization ID.
 * @return This method returns the e-Marketing Spot object for which to run the
 * search activities. This method may use activities from several search e-Marketing,
 * however, only one of the search e-Marketing Spots needs to be returned. If this method
 * did not use activities from any search e-Marketing Spots, then null should be returned.
public CachedEMarketingSpot handleNoExactMatchForSearchMarketingSpot(String emsName, String usage, Integer storeId, String pznId)