VersionVault Details

The VersionVault Details view provides detailed information about resources in a VersionVault view and about VersionVault metadata.

Use the VersionVault Details view in conjunction with the VersionVault Navigator view to view detailed information about local and remote resources and information about VersionVault metadata. When you select a resource in the VersionVault Navigator, its contents appear in the VersionVault Details view. You can explore a folder by clicking the plus sign (+) to the left of the resource in the VersionVault Navigator view, or by double-clicking the resource in the VersionVault Details view. Use working sets to limit what appears in the VersionVault Navigator view

When you open the UCM activities icon My Activities item in a UCM VersionVault view, the VersionVault Details view lists detailed information about UCM activities in the view's stream.

Columns in the table

When you are listing resource details, the following columns appear in the VersionVault Details table:

Column name Column description
Name The name of the resource (file or directory name).
Size The size of the resource in bytes (applies to files only).
Kind See VersionVault resource categories.
Modified Time The date and time at which the resource was last modified.
State The VersionVault state of the resource.
Version The branch name and version number of the selected version. For more information about branches and version, see About branches, versions, and labels.
Rule The rule in the view's config spec that caused the current version to be loaded. Does not apply to view private resources.

You can sort the table by any column, in ascending or descending lexical order. Click any column header to sort by that column, or click the Eclipse view menu icon icon on the toolbar and select Sort to specify sorting options. You can also adjust the size of each column. Any changes you make to the sort order or column size are automatically saved for the associated object and are applied every time you view that object in the current and subsequent sessions.

Address bar

The address bar at the top of the Details view shows the file system path to the resource that is selected in the Navigator view and also the object selector if a resource is selected in the Details view.

You can enter an explicit path in the address bar and the Navigator view and Details view update to display the specified resource. All filters are turned off when an explicit address is entered. If an unloaded resource is entered and the Unloaded elements option is not set, it is set. You can unset the option in the VersionVault Navigator view menu. The address bar stores the last twenty user-entered, successfully located paths. The number of stored paths can be changed in the Navigation History preference page. These stored paths can be selected from the Address Bar list.

VersionVault resource categories

The Kind column shows the category of each resource in a VersionVault view.

  • A File Element Version is a checked-in version of a file element (a file under VersionVault control).
  • A File Element is a checked-out instance of a file element version.
  • A VOB Symbolic Link is a copy of the contents of the target of a VersionVault symbolic link. When a VOB symbolic link is loaded by a VersionVault Web view, the link and its target are both loaded as copies of the target contents. To modify the link, you must check out or hijack its target.
  • A Directory Version is a checked-in or checked-out directory element (a directory under VersionVault control).
  • A View Private File or View Private Directory is an ordinary file or directory that is in the VersionVault view's copy area but is not under VersionVault control. View-private resources may be candidates for addition to source control.
  • A VOB Tag Component is a part of the path name to the VOB database. VOB Tag Components are visible only when you are browsing a VersionVault view that is connected to a VersionVault WAN server running Linux. No operations are permitted on a VOB Tag Component.

UCM activity details

When you open the My Activities folder in a UCM VersionVault view, the following columns appear in the VersionVault Details table:

Column name Column description
ID The activity ID.
Headline The activity headline.

For more information about an activity, right-click the activity and select Show properties.