Implementaciones de promociones personalizadas

La promoción presentada en Anatomía de la promoción era una promoción basada en un patrón. Si decide crear una implementación personalizada que difiera significativamente del modelo actual, debe proporcionar una implementación para la interfaz, que es una subclase de XMLizable. La definición de la interfaz dicta que su nueva implementación debe proporcionar el mismo conjunto de atributos básicos que la implementación predeterminada. No obstante, tiene total libertad en lo que respecta a cómo definir las condiciones de compra. La implementación predeterminada proporciona una implementación basada en un "patrón de compra"; la suya puede seguir cualquier diseño siempre y cuando se observe lo siguiente:

  1. La condición de compra implementa la interfaz
  2. Devuelve true si la promoción es aplicable, false en caso contrario. Cuando se devuelve true, la promoción debería añadir uno o más PromotionExecutionRecord (dependiendo del número de veces que esta promoción pueda aplicarse al pedido actual) al PromotionContext utilizando el método addPromotionExecutionRecord.

Este suceso no es muy habitual, y la personalización es similar al procedimiento para Filter y Adjustment, por lo que no se proporcionan más detalles. Un ejemplo es el siguiente:

 * Contains the IBM Copyright information for HCL Commerce.

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Vector;


public interface Promotion extends XMLizable {

    * Formatter for all time related objects
   public static final SimpleDateFormat DATEFORMAT =
     new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss");
    * IBM Copyright
   public static final String COPYRIGHT = IBMCopyright.SHORT_COPYRIGHT;
    * Promotion states
   public static final int PROMOTION_STATE_INACTIVE = 0;
    * Promotion States
   public static final int PROMOTION_STATE_ACTIVE = 1;
    * Promotion states
   public static final int PROMOTION_STATE_DELETED = 2;
    * Promotion states
   public static final int PROMOTION_STATE_SUSPENDED = 3;
    * Promotion states
   public static final int PROMOTION_STATE_OBSOLETE = 4;

    * Promotion exclusiveness settings
   public static final int PROMOTION_EXCLUSIVE_NONE = 0;
    * Promotion exclusiveness settings
   public static final int PROMOTION_EXCLUSIVE_AT_GROUP_LEVEL = 1;
    * Promotion exclusiveness settings
   public static final int PROMOTION_EXCLUSIVE_AT_GLOBAL_LEVEL = 2;
    * Promotion exclusiveness settings, this is created to support backward
    * compatibility.
    * Any promotions created with this setting cannot be combined with promotions
    * in the "Product Level Promotion" group.
    * Promotion type settings
   public static final int PROMOTION_TYPE_TARGETED = 0;
    * Promotion type settings
   public static final int PROMOTION_TYPE_PRIVATE = 1;

    * Returns the currency in which all monetary values in this promotion are
    * defined. Returns the currency in String format like "CAD", "USD", or "CNY".
    * @return String currency in string format
   public String getCurrency();

    * Sets the currency in which all monetary values in this promotion will be
    * defined. Currency should be in the String format like "CAD", "USD", or "CNY".
    * @param String currency the currency in String format
   public void setCurrency(String currency);

    * Returns the key of this promotion.
    * @return The promotion key
   public PromotionKey getKey();

    * Returns the description of this promotion in the locale of the type.
    * @param locale locale of the description to be returned
    * @param type type of the description to be returned
    * @return String
   public String getDescription(Locale locale, int type);

    * Returns the exclusive level of a promotion.
    * @return int exclusiveness level also see the promotion 
    * exclusiveness settings for possible values
   public int getExclusiveLevel();

    * Returns the lastUpdate time of the promotion.
    * @return Date when this promotion was last updated
   public Date getLastUpdate();

    * Returns the lastUpdateBy. The person who last updated this promotion
    * @return CustomerKey key of person who last updated the promotion
   public CustomerKey getLastUpdateBy();

    * Returns the name of the promotion.
    * @return String name of the promotion
   public String getName();
    * Returns the priority of the promotion.
    * @return Integer
   public Integer getPriority();

    * Returns the schedule associated with this promotion.
    * @return Schedule schedule associated with this promotion
   public Schedule getSchedule();

    * Returns the status of this promotion.
    * @return int see also the different status settings for a promotion
   public int getStatus();

    * Sets the description for this promotion.
    * @param description The description to set
    * @param locale the locale of the description
    * @param type the type of the promotion
   public void setDescription(Locale locale, int type, String description);
    * Sets the exclusive.
    * @param exclusive The exclusive to set
   public void setExclusiveLevel(int exclusive);

    * Sets the key of the promotion.
    * @param key The key to set
   public void setKey(PromotionKey key);

    * Sets the lastUpdate.
    * @param lastUpdate The lastUpdate to set
   public void setLastUpdate(Date lastUpdate);

    * Sets the lastUpdateBy.
    * @param lastUpdateBy The lastUpdateBy to set
   public void setLastUpdateBy(CustomerKey lastUpdateBy);

    * Sets the priority.
    * @param priority The priority to set
   public void setPriority(Integer priority);

    * Sets the schedule.
    * @param schedule The schedule to set
   public void setSchedule(Schedule schedule);

    * Sets the status.
    * @param status The status to set
   public void setStatus(int status);

    * Return whether promotion code is required for this promotion or not
    * @return boolean
   public boolean isPromotionCodeRequired();

    * Returns the promotionCodeCondition.
    * @return PromotionCodeRequiredCondition
   public Condition getPromotionCodeCondition();

    * Returns the targetingCondition.
    * @return TargetingCondition
   public Condition getTargetingCondition();

    * Sets the promotionCodeCondition.
    * @param promotionCodeCondition The promotionCodeCondition to set
   public void setPromotionCodeCondition(Condition promotionCodeCondition);

    * Sets the targetingCondition.
    * @param targetingCondition The targetingCondition to set
   public void setTargetingCondition(Condition targetingCondition);
    * Returns the targetingConditionCheckedAtRuntime.
    * @return boolean
   public boolean ignoreTargettingConditionUponProperPromotionCodeEntry();

    * Returns the flag value which controls if targeting conditions should 
    * be checked at runtime or not.
    * @return true if targeting condition needs to be checked at runtime,
    * false otherwise.
   public boolean checkTargetingConditionAtRuntime();
    * Sets the checkTargetingConditionAtRuntime flag
    * @param value true if you want targeting condition of this promotion to 
    * be checked at runtime, false otherwise.
   public void setCheckTargetingConditionAtRuntime(boolean value);
    * Sets the targetingConditionCheckedAtRuntime.
    * @param targetingConditionCheckedAtRuntime The 
    * targetingConditionCheckedAtRuntime to set
   public void setIgnoreTargetingConditionUponProperPromotionCodeEntry (boolean ignore);

    * Appends a custom condition to the list of custom conditions
    * @param Condition restriction a custom condition
   public void addCustomCondition(Condition restriction);

    * Returns all custom conditions in an iterator
    * @return Iterator a list of custom conditions associated with this 
    * promotion
   public Iterator getCustomConditions();

    * Returns the group.
    * @return PromotionGroup
   public PromotionGroupKey getGroupKey();

    * Sets the group.
    * @param group The group to set
   public void setGroupKey(PromotionGroupKey key);

    * Returns the perOrderLimit.
    * @return int
   public int getPerOrderLimit();
    * Returns the perShopperLimit.
    * @return int
   public int getPerShopperLimit();
    * Returns the totalApplicationCountLimit.
    * @return int
   public int getTotalApplicationCountLimit();

    * Sets the otherRestrictions.
    * @param otherRestrictions The otherRestrictions to set
   public void setCustomConditions(Vector otherRestrictions);

    * Sets the perOrderLimit.
    * @param perOrderLimit The perOrderLimit to set
   public void setPerOrderLimit(int perOrderLimit);

    * Sets the perShopperLimit.
    * @param perShopperLimit The perShopperLimit to set
   public void setPerShopperLimit(int perShopperLimit);

    * Sets the totalApplicationCountLimit.
    * @param totalApplicationCountLimit The totalApplicationCountLimit 
    * to set
   public void setTotalApplicationCountLimit(int totalApplicationCountLimit);

    * Returns the campaignKey.
    * @return CampaignKey
   public CampaignKey getCampaignKey();

    * Sets the campaignID.
    * @param campaignID The campaignID to set
   public void setCampaignKey(CampaignKey campaignkey);
    * Returns the revision.
    * @return int
   public int getRevision();

    * Returns the type.
    * @return Integer
   public int getType();

    * Returns the version.
    * @return int
   public int getVersion();

    * Sets the type.
    * @param type The type to set
   public void setType(int type);

    * Returns the visualCue.
    * @return String
   public String getCode();

    * Sets the visualCue.
    * @param visualCue The visualCue to set
   public void setCode(String code);

    * Returns the purchase condition in this promtion
    * @return purchase condition
   public Condition getPurchaseCondition();

    * Sets purchase condition
    * @param condition Condition the purchase condition to be set.
   public void setPurchaseCondition(Condition condition);

    * Adds a policy to the list of explicitly exempted promotion policies
    *  for this promotion
    * @param key of the promotion policy to be added
   public void addExemptedPolicy(PromotionPolicyKey key);

    * Removes a promotion policy from the list of explicitly exempted list
    * of policies
    * @param key the key of the policy to be removed.
   public void removeExemptedPolicy(PromotionPolicyKey key);

    * Returns an iterator of all the explicitly exempted policies.
    * @return iterator of explicitly exempted policies.
   public Iterator getExemptedPolicies();

    * Adds a promotion policy to the list of policies which are marked 
    * explicitly as applicable to this promotion
    * @param key of the policy to be added
   public void addExplicitlyAppliedPolicy(PromotionPolicyKey key);

    * Removes a policy from the list of policies which are marked explicitly
    * as applicable to this promotion
    * @param key of the policy to be removed.
   public void removeExplicitlyAppliedPolicy(PromotionPolicyKey key);

    * Returns an iterator of all the policies which are marked explicitly as
    * applicable to this promotion.
    * @return an iterator of all explicitly applicable policies.
   public Iterator getExplicitlyAppliedPolicies();

    * Returns the coupon related attributes if this promotion is a private
    * promotion.
    * @return coupon related attributes if this promotion is a private 
    * promotion, null otherwise.
   public CouponAttribute getCouponAttribute();

    * Sets the coupon related attributes for promotions that are private
    * @param attrs coupon related attributes
   public void setCouponAttribute(CouponAttribute attrs);

    * Returns the target sales figure
    * @return target sales figure, null if no value is specified
   public BigDecimal getTargetSales();

    * Sets the target sales figure, null is allowed
    * @param sales taget sales figure
   public void setTargetSales(BigDecimal sales);

    * Returns the corresponding rule-based promotion type name, if one is 
    * available.
    * @return rule-based promotion type name, null if one is not set.
    * @deprecated Introduced for backward compatibility reasons. This method
    * will be removed in the next release
   public String getCorrespondingRBDTypeName();

    * Sets the corresponding rule-based promotion type name
    * @param newName discount type name in rule-based promotion
    * @deprecated Introduced for backward compatibility reasons. This
    * method will be removed in the next release
   public void setCorrespondingRBDTypeName(String newName);
    * Evaluates if this promotion is applicable to the current order which 
    * is part of the context object being passed to this method.
    * @param context PromotionContext, note that this parameter is both in
    * and out parameter.
    * @return true if this promotion is applicable to the order in the 
    * context object, false otherwise.
    * @throws PromotionRuntimeException if any exception is thrown in the 
    * process of evaluating this promotion
    * it will be wrapped in a PromotionRuntimeException and thrown to the
    * caller.
   public boolean evaluate(PromotionContext context)
          throws PromotionRuntimeException;

    * Sets the promotion code required flag.
    * @param aPromotionCodeRequired true if a correct promotion code is
    * required to redeem this promotion, false
    * otherwise.
   public void setPromotionCodeRequired(boolean aPromotionCodeRequired);