Métodos recomendados para correlacionar métodos de API REST con beans de datos

Siga el ejemplo de código y las sugerencias para la codificación para asegurarse de que los servicios de bean de datos de REST nuevos o personalizados se ajustan a los métodos recomendados de HCL Commerce.


  • El código de ejemplo siguiente invoca un bean de datos no protegido y uno protegido en el manejador de recursos de bean de datos:
    // CatalogDataBean is a non-protected data bean
    // when there is no need to add/update/delete custom request properties, setting
    // to null will cause the code to read them from the content
    TypedProperty requestProperties = null;
    CatalogDataBean catalogDB = new CatalogDataBean();
    response = activateDataBeanWithContext(accessProfile, catalogDB, requestProperties, responseFormat);
    // OrganizationDataBean is a protected databean
    // when there is no need to add/update/delete custom request properties, setting
    // to null will cause the code to read them from the content
    TypedProperty requestProperties = null;
    OrganizationDataBean organizationDB = new OrganizationDataBean();
    response = activateDataBeanWithContext(accessProfile, organizationDB, requestProperties, responseFormat);
         * This methods sets up the BCS by calling startRequest(),
         * activates the databean, and then ends the BCS by calling
         * endRequest(BusinessContextService).
         * @param accessProfile the access profile
         * @param dataBean the databean to be activated
         * @param requestProperties the request properties
         * @param responseFormat the response format
         * @return the response
    protected Response activateDataBeanWithContext(String, DataBean, TypedProperty, String);
  • El código de ejemplo siguiente genera las propiedades de respuesta devueltas por el bean de datos. Altere el método siguiente en el manejador de recursos de bean de datos:
    protected TypedProperty composeDataBeanResponse(TypedProperty requestProperties, String accessProfile,
                DataBean dataBean) throws Exception {
            // default implementation: return empty responseProperties
            TypedProperty responseProperties = super.composeDataBeanResponse(requestProperties, accessProfile, dataBean);
            OrganizationDataBean organizationDB = (OrganizationDataBean)dataBean;
            responseProperties.put("displayName", organizationDB.getDisplayName());
            responseProperties.put("distinguishedName", organizationDB.getDistinguishedName());
            return responseProperties;
         * This method constructs the data bean response.
         * @param requestProperties the request properties
         * @param accessProfile the access profile
         * @param dataBean the activated data bean
         * @return the response properties
         * @throws Exception the exception occurs
    protected TypedProperty composeDataBeanResponse(TypedProperty, String, DataBean) throws Exception;
  • El código de ejemplo siguiente activa varios beans de datos en un manejador de recursos personalizado:
    	                    // sample custom code to manipulate the request properties
                        TypedProperty requestProperties = initializeRequestPropertiesFromRequestMap(responseFormat);
                        requestProperties.put("storeId", storeId);
                        StoreDataBean storeDB = new StoreDataBean();
                        activateDataBean(storeDB, requestProperties, responseFormat);
                        TypedProperty responseProperties = new TypedProperty();
                        // custom code to examine activated data bean and add properties to the
                        // response properties based on accessProfile parameter
                        addToResponseAndRequest(responseProperties, requestProperties, accessProfile, storeDB);
                        // might have custom code to manipulate the request properties
                        CatalogDataBean catalogDB = new CatalogDataBean();
                        activateDataBean(catalogDB, requestProperties, responseFormat);
                        // custom code to examine activated data bean and add properties to the
                        // response properties based on accessProfile parameter
                        addToResponseAndRequest(responseProperties, requestProperties, accessProfile, catalogDB);
                        response = generateResponseFromHttpStatusCodeAndRespData(responseFormat, responseProperties.getMap(), HttpStatus.OK);
         * This method creates a command context and associates the request properties to the command
         * context created.  It then passes both the data bean and the command context to the data bean
         * manager for data bean activation.
         * @param dataBean the data bean to be activated
         * @param requestProperties the request properties
         * @param responseFormat the responseFormat
         * @throws Exception the exception occurs
    protected void activateDataBean(DataBean, TypedProperty, String) throws Exception;
  • Cada recurso REST contiene información como URL, descripciones y datos de entrada y salida de ejemplo en la API REST de HCL Commerce: