Métodos recomendados para correlacionar métodos de API REST con mandatos de controlador

Siga el ejemplo de código y las sugerencias para la codificación para asegurarse de que los servicios de mandato de controlador de REST nuevos o personalizados se ajustan a los métodos recomendados de HCL Commerce.


  • El código de ejemplo siguiente invoca un mandato de controlador en el manejador de recursos de mandatos:
    String cmdRefKey = OrderItemDeleteCmd.NAME;
    TypedProperty requestProperties = null;
    response = executeControllerCommandWithContext(storeId, cmdRefKey, requestProperties, responseFormat);
    // the response object here is already formatted and can be returned via Rest
         * This methods sets up the BCS by calling startRequest(),
         * executes the controller command, and then ends the BCS by calling
         * endRequest(BusinessContextService).
         * @param storeId the store ID
         * @param cmdRefKey the command interface name
         * @param requestProperties the request properties
         * @param responseFormat the response format
         * @return the response
        protected Response executeControllerCommandWithContext(String, String, TypedProperty, String);
  • El código de ejemplo siguiente manipula los parámetros de mandato antes de que se ejecute el único mandato de controlador. Añada el siguiente código antes de llamar a executeControllerCommandWithContext(String, String, TypedProperty, String):
    // if custom logic is needed to set command parameter prior to command
    // execution, here are some sample code to do so
    // for OrderCopyCmd, URL is a mandatory parameter
    TypedProperty requestProperties = initializeRequestPropertiesFromRequestMap(responseFormat);
    requestProperties.put("URL", "URL");
         * This method creates a request properties from the request map.
         * @param responseFormat the response format
         * @throws Exception the exception occurs
        protected TypedProperty initializeRequestPropertiesFromRequestMap(String) throws Exception;
  • El código de ejemplo siguiente ejecuta varios mandatos de controlador en un manejador de recursos personalizado:
    // setting up the BCS
                    BusinessContextService bcs = startRequest();
                    try {
                        cmdRefKey = OrderCopyCmd.NAME;
                        requestPropertiesForCopy = initializeRequestPropertiesFromRequestMap(responseFormat);
                        requestPropertiesForCopy.put("URL", "URL");
                        // invoke the first controller command
                        TypedProperty responsePropertiesOfCopy = executeControllerCommand(storeId, cmdRefKey, requestPropertiesForCopy, responseFormat);
                        responseProperties = addToResponse(responseProperties, responsePropertiesOfCopy, "copyResponse");
                        cmdRefKey = OrderCalculateCmd.NAME;
                        requestPropertiesForCal = new TypedProperty();
                        String[] orderIdList = (String[])responsePropertiesOfCopy.get("orderId");
                        for (int i=0; i<orderIdList.length; i++) {
                            requestPropertiesForCal.put("orderId_"+(i+1), orderIdList[i]);
                        // invoke the next controller command
                        TypedProperty responsePropertiesOfCal = executeControllerCommand(storeId, cmdRefKey, requestPropertiesForCal, responseFormat);
                        responseProperties = addToResponse(responseProperties, responsePropertiesOfCal, "calculateResponse");
                        response = generateResponseFromHttpStatusCodeAndRespData(responseFormat, responseProperties.getMap(), HttpStatus.OK);
                        // clean up the BCS
         * This method associates the BCS with the activity data and the activity token by
         * calling BusinessContextService startRequest(ActivityToken, ActivityData)
         * to perform any necessary set up for request execution.
         * @throws Exception the exception occurs
        protected BusinessContextService startRequest() throws Exception;
         * This method creates a command context, looks up the command implementation from the command
         * registry, associates the command context created and the request properties to the command.  
         * It also performs command level and resource level access control check before invoking the
         * command.
         * @param storeId the store ID
         * @param cmdRefKey the command interface name
         * @param requestProperties the request properties
         * @param responseFormat the response format
         * @return the response properties from the command
         * @throws Exception the exception occurs
        protected TypedProperty executeControllerCommand(String, String, TypedProperty, String) throws Exception;
         * This method generates REST response for a given response map.
         * Use this method in your resource handler class when you want to pass name value pairs to
         * the entity provider.
         * @param responseFormat the response format shortcut. Response format is used to resolve the
         * media type for the REST response. If response format is not provided, then Accept
         * header is used to resolve the media type for the REST response. Refer to {@link RestServicesUtils#getResponseMediaType(String, Request)}
         * for more details on the response media type resolution.
         * @param responseData the response map to pass to the entity provider.
         * @param statusCode the HTTP status code to set in the REST response.
         * @return the REST response.
        public Response generateResponseFromHttpStatusCodeAndRespData(String, Map<String, Object>, HttpStatus);  
         * This method calls BusinessContextService endRequest(ActivityToken)
         * to perform any necessary cleanup after request execution.
         * @param bcs the business context
         * @throws Exception the exception occurs
        protected void endRequest(BusinessContextService) throws Exception;
  • Cada recurso REST contiene información como URL, descripciones y datos de entrada y salida de ejemplo en la API REST de HCL Commerce: