Undo Checkout

Use the Undo Checkout dialog box to cancel checkouts for one or more checked-out resources.

When you cancel a checkout on a file, the selected version of the resource is loaded from the VOB and overwrites any changes you have made in the checked-out version. To preserve your changes, select Keep a copy of modified artifacts.

Controls in the dialog box

The following controls appear in the dialog box:

Control name Control description
Show Details Displays additional information and options in the dialog box.
Hide Details Conceals additional information and options in the dialog box.
The selected resources Displays the artifact name, an indication of whether a copy of the resource is being kept after the checkout is cancelled (as specified by the Keep a copy of modified artifacts setting), any associate comment, and directory path information for each resource. If the resource is a directory, you can click the plus sign (+) to the left of directory to view any files or directories below your current location. The check box next to a resource indicates whether the checkout of the resource should be cancelled. To prevent the checkout of a resource from being cancelled, clear the associated check box. If the resource is in a UCM view, the activity associated with each resource also appears.
Check All Click to select the check box for all elements in The selected resources list box and mark them for an undo checkout operation. This option also applies to all files and subdirectories below any directories in the list box.
Check None Click to clear the check box for all elements in The selected resources list box and prevent them from being overwritten by an undo checkout operation. This option also applies to all files and subdirectories below any directories in the list box.
Select All Click to select all elements in The selected resources list box in order to apply a comment to each element. This option also applies to all files and subdirectories below any directories in the list box.
Select None Click to specify that no elements in The selected resources list box are selected. This option also applies to all files and subdirectories below any directories in the list box.
Keep a copy of modified artifacts Select this check box to save a copy of the file. The copy is named filename.keep.
OK Confirms the operation and dismisses the window.
Cancel Cancels the operation.