Introduced in Feature Pack 3

Target: Social Commerce Participation (enhanced)

Use this target in Web and Dialog activities to target customers who have participated in social commerce on your site a specified number of times. You can target specific types of social commerce activity, such as creating a product review or uploading a photo. You can also apply activity filters to further define the social commerce activity, for example, by the star rating or category.

WebSphere Commerce ProfessionalWebSphere Commerce EnterpriseDialog activities are available only in the Professional and Enterprise editions of WebSphere Commerce.

If your site supports social commerce activities such as product reviews, blogs, and photo galleries, then this target provides a means to reach out to customers, based on how many times they have participated in their recorded history with the site. For example, you can reward customers who have participated many times, or encourage customers who have participated only a few times to participate more. For those customers who have never participated, you can advertise the benefits of participation.


Here is an example of a Web activity that uses this target effectively:

When a customer views the e-Marketing spot on the Snowboarding department page: If the customer has created a blog entry in the Snowboards category at least three times within the last 30 days, display an ad that reads "Thanks for blogging! Keep it up - we like to recognize our frequent contributors."

Example of Target: Social Commerce Participation

Prerequisite for using this target

Make sure your site is configured to support the Management Center marketing features.

Guidelines for using this target

Set up this target using the options in the following table:
Option Description
Activity type Specify the type of social commerce activity that a customer must participate in on your site to pass the target in this Web or Dialog activity. Options are:
Any social commerce participation
The customer did any of the social activities described in this Activity type list. Note that if you apply an Activity filter to this activity type other than Category, the target applies only to the Review created activity type.
Feature Pack 4Feature Pack 3Review created
The customer created a product review with a star rating, title, and comment.
Deprecated featureComment posted
The customer posted a comment about a blog or a photo.
Deprecated featurePhoto uploaded
The customer uploaded a photo to the photo gallery.
Deprecated featureBlog created
The customer created a blog or a blog entry.
Deprecated featureBlog or photo recommended
The customer recommended a blog or photo, for example, the customer gave a photo a "thumbs up."
Feature Pack 4 or laterClicked Facebook Like for home page
Feature Pack 4 or laterThe customer clicked the Facebook Like button for the store's home page.
Feature Pack 4 or laterClicked Facebook Like for product
Feature Pack 4 or laterThe customer clicked the Facebook Like button for a product.
Inappropriate activity reported
The customer reported an improper blog entry or photo.
Activity filters Optional: Specify additional criteria that the target social commerce activity must meet. For example, you could specify that the review created must have a star rating of at least three stars, or that comments posted must be for the Furniture category. The activity filters vary depending on the Activity type you selected. To specify multiple activity filters, you can add more than one row to the Activity filters table. If you specify multiple activity filters, the social commerce activity must match all filter criteria to meet the target requirements.

The activity filters are:

Star rating
Specify how many stars the customer must have given the product that he or she reviewed, for example, at least three.

This activity filter applies only to the Review created activity type.

Manufacturer name
Specify the manufacturer of the product that the customer reviewed. For example, you could specify that the review must be for a product manufactured by IBM. Type the manufacturer name exactly as it displays in the Manufacturer field in the Catalogs tool.

This activity filter applies only to the Review created and Clicked Facebook Like for product activity types.

Specify one or more categories or subcategories in the store catalog that the social commerce activity must apply to. For example, you could specify that the blog must be created in the Snowboards category, or that the review must be about a product in the Digital Cameras category.

This activity filter applies to all activity types except Inappropriate activity reported and Clicked Facebook Like for home page.

Catalog entries
Specify one or more catalog entries that the customer must have reviewed. For example, you could specify that the review must be for the Enzo Espresso Machine.

This activity filter applies only to the Review created and Clicked Facebook Like for product activity types.

Frequency Optional: Choose the option that describes how many times a customer must have done the social commerce activity defined in this target; then select the number from the Times field.
Time frame Optional: Choose the option that describes the time frame during which the customer must have done the social commerce activity defined in this target; then complete the field that displays below the Time frame field.
Note: Facebook "Like" events are only tracked by the target if the shopper has connected the store to their Facebook account and has authorized the store's application. If the shopper simply clicks the Like button without authorizing the application, no Facebook activity is tracked. 'Unlikes' are not tracked by the marketing engine.