HCL Commerce Version or later

Buyer Contracts

HCL Commerce has a new card for buyer contracts for Management Center from version 91120 onwards. The new card is enabled in the Auth environment and disabled in the live environment. The Site Administrator and Marketplace Operator can access the Marketplace Seller Dashboard through the Marketplace Tool. The Marketplace Seller Administrator and Marketplace Seller can access the Marketplace Seller Dashboard directly through the Seller Dashboard menu item.

The Buyer Contracts feature is only applicable to B2B stores. Once you log in to the Management Center, from the hamburger menu, select Marketplace tool. On the Marketplace home page, select the Extended Site Catalog Asset Store to enable the Buyer Contracts functionality for the selected B2B store. Click on the Access Seller Dashboard button in the same row as seller name, the Buyer Contract card is displayed.

See Listing marketplace seller contracts to view the list of contracts. The list has two sub-tasks, Individual Buyer Contracts, and Group Buyer Contracts. By default, the Individual Buyer Contract list is displayed on the screen.

These tabs include the number of contracts that match the current search and filter criteria. This list consists of contracts created for the seller across all the B2B marketplaces. The Contracts table has the following columns:
  • Contract Name / Buyer (the name of the Contract and the Buyer)
  • Marketplace (the marketplace where the Contracts apply)
  • Date Range (the start date and expiry date of the Contract)
  • Status (the status of the Contracts – active/inactive)
  • Actions (delete)