HCL Commerce Version or later

.CSV file for Inventory Updates

T HCL Commerce provides a .CSV file for Inventory Updates. This file contains information related to the number of products that are available for shoppers on the storefront.

This .CSV file contains information related to part number, quantity, and quantity unit. See the sample .CSV file for more information.

Marketplace Operators and Marketplace Sellers can download and view the .CSV file for inventory updates, but only Marketplace Operators and Marketplace Sellers can update and upload the .CSV file. The Marketplace Administrators can only view the inventories but cannot download or upload the .CSV file for inventory updates.
Note: The maximum size for the .CSV file is 10.48576 MB.
Marketplace Operators or Marketplace Sellers can download the .CSV file and update the following details:
  • The quantity of available products
  • The part number
  • Quantity unit
  • Add details of a new product