Introduced in Feature Pack 3

Troubleshooting: Large number of extended sites causes exceptions when you set up the search index

Exceptions occur when you set up the search index (setupSearchIndex) for a site that contains many extended sites.

In this scenario, the columns in the SRCHCONFEXT table might be too small to contain all the information. An exception similar to the following occurs:

FINER: RETURN update srchconfext set language_id=?,indexsubtype=?,config=? where srchconfext_id=?
Feb 10, 2015 9:52:57 AM printSQLException
FINER: ENTRY [jcc][t4][20111][11366][4.17.29] 
The value of a host variable is too large for its corresponding use.  Host variable=3. ERRORCODE=-4461, SQLSTATE=42815
Feb 10, 2015 9:52:57 AM printSQLException
WARNING: SQL Exception: [jcc][t4][20111][11366][4.17.29] The value of a host variable is too large for its corresponding use.
Host variable=3. ERRORCODE=-4461, SQLSTATE=42815, SQL State: 42815, SQL Error code: -4461

To resolve this issue, you can run the setupSearchIndex utility with -setupWebContent false, so that the SRCHCONFEXT.CONFIG does not overflow with the basepath and storeid pairs for each extended site. If you still want to crawl and index web content, enable autoIndex within the droidConfig.xml file.