Remote Control Broker Certificate

Remote Control does not create certificate for the broker during the installation. Follow the instructions in this section to create and setup the broker certificate.

A separate certificate is required for each broker that is added to the Remote Control infrastructure. This certificate needs to be trusted by the components that can connect to the broker, that is other brokers, controllers and targets . These certificates can be self-signed or part of a chain coming from a valid internal or external Certificate Authority (CA). The signing certificates are held in a trust store on the Remote Control server and are used to verify the broker certificates at connection time.

The broker supports two key store formats.
This key store format is supported by the IBM Key Management tool (ikeyman), which ships as part of Remote Control in the embedded Websphere Application Server (WAS) or standalone WAS.
PEM files can be generated with the OpenSSL command line tool or other third party tools. The OpenSSL command-line tool is not shipped with Remote Control.
The PEM file needs to contain the following items, in the order listed below.
  1. Broker's certificate
  2. Any intermediate certificates, if required
  3. Root certificate
  4. Broker's private key
Use a text editor or the UNIX cat command to combine all the items in a single file.