CyberFOCUS Analytics

BigFix CyberFOCUS Analytics enables organizations to continuously look for cyber security threats and proactively mitigate them. It gives improved awareness of the IT assets in your BigFix environment.

BigFix CyberFOCUS Analytics uses the latest intelligence sources (MITRE, NSA, and CISA) to develop asset risk analysis.

  • Helps to reduce exploitable vulnerability exposure time

  • Provides high-quality metrics that can be trended contains critical metadata such as solution information which allows organizations to fast track remediation and safeguard their systems from increasing ransomware attacks

  • Helps to prioritize the most vulnerable and urgent patches first (prioritize tasks related to sec-ops) significantly reduces the risk of to prevent and reduce costly security incidents and avoid compliance issues

  • Helps to identify areas of risk aligning with how the risk can be mitigated


You need to enable the CyberFOCUS site within the License Management Dashboard.

View reports
To view CyberFOCUS Web reports, log in to BigFix Web Reports, and from the list of reports, click CyberFOCUS Analytics Webreport.