Starting a managed session by using an installed controller

When you start a managed session, you can configure the server to use an installed controller rather than using the Java Web Start method. Note that the Java Web Start plugin method is deprecated in Remote Control starting from Version 10.0.0 Update 8 (Build Number 0802). This feature makes starting a session faster and it removes any warning message windows that are displayed while the session is starting.

Before you begin

To use this feature, the controller component must be installed on the controller system before you start a remote control session.

About this task

Use the always.use.preinstalled.controller property in the file to control this feature. When the property is set to true and you start a managed session, a .trcjws file is now created rather than a .jnlp file. This feature removes the dependency on using the system JRE when you start a managed session.


  1. In the server UI click Admin > Edit properties file.
  2. Select
  3. Set always.use.preinstalled.controller to true and click Submit.
  4. Click Admin > Reset Application


When you start a managed session the controller that is installed is used instead of the Java Web Start method.
Note: The property has no effect when FIPS or NIST SP800-131A compliance is enabled on the server. The controller that is installed is always used when FIPS or NIST SP800-131A compliance is enabled.