Ingest URL index schema

The complete data mappings from specification, database and schema are shown for the URL category.

URL index schema design

​Index Field​ Name​​ ​Index Field Type and Options​​​​ ​​Description
Internal Me​​​ta Data​​​​​​
​_id ​internal id/store + id/url
_​_meta/version/min ​integer ​Minimal compatible version of the runtime to work with this document
​__meta/version/max ​integer ​Latest compatible version of the runtime that works with this document
​​__meta/created ​date Creation date and time of this document​
__meta/modified ​date Last modification date and time of this document​​
​​Document Identifier​​
​id/store id_string Internal id of the owning store
id/​language id_string The identifier of the current language​
id/​catalog id_string The identifier of the current sales catalog​
id/​url id_string The internal UUID of this SEO URL​
​​identifier/specification id_string Set to "​url"
identifier/​store id_string A string that uniquely identifies the owning store
identifier/​language id_string The language locale of this URL
​identifier/url id_string Relative SEO URL and unique identifier for this recordNote: should not include forward slash in this SEO URL
​token/name id_string Name to represent the type of the page:StaticPagesToken, ProductToken, CategoryToken
​token/id id_string​ ​Identifier for the page or object identifier that represents the page
​token/identifier id_string Identifier for the external Object identifier for the object identified in tokenValue
​store/type raw​ ​The store type of the owning store of this URL
status integer Current status of the URL: 0 - Inactive SEOURL1 - Active SEOURL2 - Expired SEOURL
redirect ​​raw A partial or fully qualified URL to redirect to if this URL is inactive​
Page Meta​ Data​​​
​token/type raw Name to represent the type of the page
page/​name raw The page name
page/type raw This field is used for qualifying the type of page and is used together with pageName to qualify the page:CategoryPage, ProductListPage, ProductPage, ItemPage ,BundlePage, KitPage, DynamicKitPage, VariantPage
page/layout raw Optional layout identifier to override the page
page/title raw Page title metadata for SEO
page/​​meta/description raw Page meta description for SEO
page/meta/keyword ​raw Page Meta keyword/tags for SEO
page/meta/image raw Page image alternative descriptions
template/​name raw SEO template for generating this Page name
template/title raw SEO template for generating this Page title metadata
template/​​meta/description raw SEO template for generating this Page meta description
template/meta/keyword ​raw SEO template for generating this Page Meta keyword/tags
template/meta/image raw SEO template for generating this Page image alternative descriptions
​​​Workspace Data
​​workspace_name ​id_string ​Describes name of the workspace. If approvedcontent then it will be "Base"
​workspaces ​id_string ​​​List of workspace details.