HCL Commerce Version or later

Fine-tuning search results

HCL Commerce Search helps you to enhance the search experience of shoppers by adjusting your search results based on your shoppers' interactions at the storefront.

A Swagger interface to the Query Service API endpoints is available in the Query REST API. By calling the endpoints Search Ranking and Search Config, you can do the following things:
  • Using the Search Ranking endpoint, fine-tune the search results by pinning, unpinning, re-sequencing, adding, and hiding the products for a specific search term (new or existing search terms).
  • Using the Search Ranking endpoint, fine-tune search results either by creating a new search ranking or by updating/deleting the existing search ranking for a specific search term (new or existing search terms).
  • Using the Search Config endpoint, fine-tune the search results by assigning new colors to the existing color family or by updating/deleting the existing colors assigned to the color family. To know about the default color families provided by the HCL Commerce and the colors defined in these default color families, refer to About color families
Important: On performing push to live operation for the search rankings, the NiFi processor makes a call to the configuration endpoint of data query using the PUT request method to move data from ZooKeeper search rankings/auth node to search rankings/live node.
  • Request Method: PUT
  • Request URL: -${QUERY_SCHEME}://${QUERY_HOST}:${QUERY_PORT}/search/resources/api/v2/configuration