HCL Commerce Version or later

Ingest Inventory index schema

The complete data mappings from specification, database and schema are shown for the Inventory category.

Inventory index schema design

Definitions for field type aliases (in it​​​alics) are described in Index Field Type Aliase​​​s and Usages page. For information about calling the Ingest service, see Search Ingest Service API. For a complete listing of Elasticsearch index fields and parameters, see Elasticsearch index field types.

​Index Field​ Name​ ​Index Field Type and Options​​​ V9.0 Equivalent Index Field Name ​​Description
Internal Me​​​ta Data​​​​​​
​_id ​internal ​catentry_id id/store + id/catalog + id/catentry
​__meta/version/min ​integer - ​Minimal compatible version of the runtime to work with this document
​__meta/version/max ​integer ​- Latest compatible version of the runtime that works with this document
​​__meta/created ​date ​- Creation date and time of this document
__meta/modified ​date ​indexedTime ​Last modification date and time of this document
​​Document Identifier​​
​id/store id_string ​storeent_id Internal id of the owning store
id/​catalog id_string catalog_id​ ​Catentry's parent catalog
​id/cntentry id_string ​catentry_​​id ​​Catentry's basic attributes
inventories/<id>/quantity float ​inv_strlocqty_* ​Inventory counts; mapped to table INVENTORY
inventories/<id>/id id_string - Identifier of the fulfillment center