Ingest Category index schema

The complete data mappings from specification, database and schema are shown for the category index.

Category index Schema design

Index Field​ Name​ ​Index Field Type and Options​​​ V9.0 Equivalent Index Field Name ​​Description
Internal Me​​​ta Data​​​​​​
​_id ​internal ​catgroup_id id/store + id/language + id/catalog + ​category/parent​ + id/catgroup
_​_meta/version/min ​integer ​- ​Minimal compatible version of the runtime to work with this document.
​__meta/version/max ​integer ​- ​Latest compatible version of the runtime that works with this document.
​​__meta/created ​date ​- Creation date and time of this document​.
__meta/modified ​date ​indexedTime Last modification date and time of this document​​.
​​Document Identifier​​
​id/store id_string ​storeent_id Internal id of the owning store.
id/​language id_string ​- The identifier of the language​.
id/​catalog id_string ​catalog_id ​The internal id of the sales catalog.
id/​catgroup id_string ​catgroup_id ​The internal id of the current category.
​id/member ​id_string ​member_id The internal reference number that identifies the owner of the catalog group.
​​identifier/specification id_string ​- Set to "​category"
identifier/​language id_string ​- The language locale of this catalog group.
​​identifier/catalog id_string ​- ​The external identifier of the catalog.
​identifier/category/raw raw ​- The original form of the category identifier.
​identifier/category/normalized normalilzed ​identifier_ntk The normalized form of the category identifier.
​​Language Sensitive Data​​​
​name/raw raw ​name_ntk_cs ​The language-dependent name of this catalog group.
​​name/normalized normalized ​name_ntk ​Same as above.
​keyword/text ​text ​- ​A keyword used for searching​.
url/​thumbnail ​raw ​thumbnail The thumbnail image path of this catalog group.​
​url/​image ​raw ​fullImage The full image path of this catalog group.
url/​​seo ​raw ​- ​The SEO URL of this catalog group.
​displayable ​boolean ​published ​​Indicates whether this catalog group ​should be displayed for the language.
​Navigational Data​​​​
​category/parent ​id_string ​parentCatgroup_id_search ​The parent sales category of this current document used for sequence (see below).
​category/sequence ​float ​sequence ​The leaf category level (shallow) sequence defined in CMC.
​sequences/<sequence>/sequence ​float ​sequences.* ​​The leaf category level (shallow) sequence defined in CMC​.
​description/raw raw​ ​The normalized form of the category description​.
​child ​​id_string ​​childCatgroup_id A list of child sales categories of this current document.
​​facets/id ​​id_string ​- ​The internal facet identifier of the corresponding facet.
​facets/key ​​id_string ​- The normalized facet identifier that is used as the key for this current facet entry​.
​facets/search ​boolean ​- ​Describes whether the facet should be included in keyword search.
​facets/displayable ​boolean ​- ​Describes whether the facet should be displayed in the storefront​.
​​facets/sequence ​float ​- ​The sequence of the facet showing in the storefront.
​facets/group ​id_string ​- ​The internal group identifier for the facet to be used in the storefront.
​​facets/attribute/id ​id_string​ ​- ​The corresponding internal attribute id of the current facet.
​facets/attribute/name ​id_string ​- ​The corresponding language specific attribute name of the current facet.
​facets/attribute/identifier ​id_string ​- ​The corresponding attribute identifier of the current facet.
​facets/attribute/swatchable ​boolean ​- ​Identifies if this facet can be used with images for faceting.
​facets/attribute/usage ​raw ​- ​Describes the usage of this attribute.
​facets/display/limit ​integer ​- ​The maximum values to display in the storefront for the facet.
​facets/display/zero ​boolean ​- ​Describes whether the facetable attribute should display zero count values.
​facets/display/multiple boolean​ ​- ​Describes whether the facetable attribute allows multiple selections.
​facets/display/order ​integer​ ​​- ​The display order to use when displaying the values for the facet.
note raw The footnotes or extended long description for this catalog group.
​path ​​raw -​ ​Tokenized field for the full navigation path to the current category node in the sales catalog. ​For example, when a "dress" category (id:10001) with path "/1/3/10001" is indexed for sales catalog 10502, this field stores the original form of the path.
path/tree hierarchy ​- This is the tokenized version for the path field above, e.g. 1, 3, 10001​
Workspace Data
workspace_name id_string - Describes name of the workspace. If approved content then it will be "Base"
workspaces id_string - ​List of workspace details.