Disable Functions

The Disable Functions window allows a Z and I Emulator for Web administrator or Database On-Demand administrator to remove one or more functions from the user interface of the Z and I Emulator for Web client or the Database On-Demand Client, thus making the function or functions unavailable to users.

The Disable Functions window can be opened from two configuration utilities:

  • From the Deployment Wizard; or
  • From the Administration Utility.

However, you must open the Disable Functions window from the same configuration utility that you use to configure sessions for the client. Specifically:

  • Disabling functions from the Deployment Wizard is done only for the HTML-based Z and I Emulator for Web client.
  • Disabling functions from the Administration Utility is done for all end-user clients except the HTML-based Z and I Emulator for Web client.


Disabling functions for end-user clients


To open the Disable Functions window:

  • From the Deployment Wizard:
    1. On the Configuration Model page, verify that the HTML-based model is selected.
    2. Navigate to the Host Sessions page.
    3. Click Disable Functions.
  • From the Administration Utility:
    1. In the left pane of the Administration Utility, click Users/Groups.
    2. In the right pane, right-click the User or Group for which you want to disable functions.
    3. Click Disable Functions.

The remaining sections of this help file are:

General information Inheriting settings

General information

You can disable almost any individual function in the client user interface, including:

  • For the Z and I Emulator for Web client desktop:
    • A button or menu item on the desktop.
  • For the Database On-Demand client desktop:
    • A button or menu item on the desktop.
  • For a display emulation session or a printer emulation session in a Z and I Emulator for Web client:
    • A function in a pull-down menu on the session window.
    • A function on a toolbar on the session window.
  • For the SQL Wizard or the File Upload Wizard in a Z and I Emulator for Web client or in a Database On-Demand client:
    • A function on a tab or window of the SQL Wizard.
    • A function on a tab or window of the File Upload Wizard.

When you disable a function that applies to a session in a Z and I Emulator for Web client:

  • For the HTML-based Z and I Emulator for Web client, the function is disabled in all the sessions that you configure for the client desktop.
  • For the Configuration server-based Z and I Emulator for Web client and the Combined model Z and I Emulator for Web client, the function is disabled in all the sessions that you configure for the currently selected user or group.

When you disable a function that applies to the SQL Wizard or to the File Upload wizard:

  • The function is disabled in all SQL statements and all File Upload statements in all end-user clients, including:
    • The Z and I Emulator for Web client, in all 3 models:
      • HTML-based model
      • Configuration server-based model
      • Combined model
    • The Database On-Demand client

When you disable a function, the client completely removes the button or menu item from the user interface (rather than just displaying the button or menu item as disabled). If the disabled function is associated with a shortcut key, then the shortcut key is also disconnected from the function.

Unfortunately, you cannot reduce download size by disabling functions. However, for customer-defined Z and I Emulator for Web clients, you can manage download size by having the Z and I Emulator for Web client preload the most commonly used modules (see Preload Options).

For Z and I Emulator for Web clients, do not confuse disabling a function in the Disable Functions window with locking a value in a session properties window:

  • When you disable a function in the Disable Functions window, then the function drops out of the user interface of the client.
  • In contrast, when you lock a value in a session properties window, then the session always uses the value that you specify and the user cannot change the value. Usually the user can still see the locked value in its normal location in the client user interface, but the locked value is disabled, so that the user cannot change it.

Inheriting settings

When you open the Disable Functions window from the Administration Utility, and you are enabling or disabling a function for a group, then the members of the group can inherit the setting of the group. See Inheriting settings from a group.

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