Enable ENPTUI Enables Enhanced Non-Programmable Terminal User Interface (ENPTUI) support. ENPTUI enables an enhanced user interface on non-programmable terminals (NPT) and programmable work stations (PWS) over the 5250 full-screen menu-driven interface.

In order to use data description specifications (DDS) grid functions such as GRDATR (Grid Line Attribute), GRDBOX (Grid Box), GRDLIN (Grid Line), and GRDRCD (Grid Record), the Enable ENPTUI option must be set to Yes. DDS grid line functions are supported only on DBCS.

Enable Unicode Data Stream This setting enables Unicode support for i5/OS and OS/400. The Z and I Emulator for Web 5250 Display session displays Unicode characters that the iSeries host has written into fields tagged with a Coded Character Set Identifier (CCSID). For more information see Unicode support for i5/OS and OS/400 using Coded Character Set Identifiers.

Lock Check Lock to prevent users from changing the associated startup value for a session. Users cannot change values for most fields because the fields are unavailable. However, functions accessed from the session menu bar or tool bar can be changed.