Help for Undo functions

Several Undo functions are available from the Edit menu. The option that is displayed is determined by the most recent Edit operation that you performed:

  • Undo Cut

    Negates the preceding Cut operation.

  • Undo Copy

    Negates the preceding Copy operation.

  • Undo Paste

    Negates the preceding Paste operation.

  • Undo Paste Next

    Negates the preceding Paste Next operation.

  • Undo Clear Fields

    Negates the preceding Clear Fields operation.

  • Undo Copy Append

    Negates the preceding Copy Append operation.

  • Undo Copy as Table

    Negates the preceding Copy as Table operation.

  • Undo Copy All

    Negates the preceding Copy All operation.

  • Undo Undo

    Negates the preceding Undo operation. This restores the prior Edit operation that you performed.

    For example, if you selected Clear Fields, then selected Undo Clear Fields, the Undo Undo operation would restore the Clear Fields action.

If no operation can be undone, then Undo is shown as unavailable from the Edit menu.

To disable the Undo functions, you must disable the Cut/Copy/Paste options. See Disable Functions: Others for details.

Key function

For 3270, 5250, and CICS sessions, Undo is mapped to Ctrl+Z. For VT sessions, the key combination is Meta+Z.

Tool bar button

You can add the Undo button to the session tool bar. In the

Add Button

dialog, select the


set. Customize the icon, text, and description as desired.

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