Using DWunzip

Web pages from the Deployment Wizard can be distributed to servers in a more automated process using the DWunzip tool. This tool is installed on all platforms supported by Z and I Emulator for Web, including z/OS, Unix-based systems, and iSeries. DWunzip unzips the Deployment Wizard .zip file, places the Deployment Wizard files in the appropriate directories, appends any necessary file extensions for z/OS, and sets file permissions and ownership on the files and directories for non-Windows platforms.

Be aware of the difference between the two following types of directories:

  • The Z and I Emulator for Web publish directory This is the directory that you specified during the Z and I Emulator for Web installation process as the directory for files that are accessible from the Web and that are downloaded by clients to run Z and I Emulator for Web. The default publish directory is: <Z and I Emulator for Web install directory>\ZIEWeb
  • A special-purpose publish directory This is any other directory where you want to place files that are accessible from the Web and that clients can download. (Normally, if you are using a special-purpose directory, you should specify the URL of the Z and I Emulator for Web publish directory in the Code Base parameter of the Advanced Options page of the Deployment Wizard.)

You can choose either type of directory as the destination for the files in the Deployment Wizard .zip file for DWunzip.

Copy or transfer in binary the Deployment Wizard .zip file to the directory where you want to unzip it, update the DWunzip command to point to that directory, and launch the command.

DWunzip is located in the following directory:

Z and I Emulator for Web install directory/lib/samples/DWunzip/

DWunzip is a command-line program that requires one parameter: the name of the .zip file to be extracted. The .zip filename does not need a path or .zip extension associated with it; otherwise, an error message and usage statement will result. Other information, known as runtime variables (such as the location of the JRE or of the Z and I Emulator for Web publish directory on the server), resides in the command file. Change the default values of the runtime variables if they do not correspond with your environment.

To run DWunzip, follow these steps:

  1. For all platforms, to run DWunzip, you must be able to write to the Z and I Emulator for Web publish directory.
  2. Ensure that the .zip file created by the Deployment Wizard is located in the publish directory on the target server. If it is not, copy it to the publish directory on the target server.
  3. Verify that the .zip file created by the Deployment Wizard is located in the publish directory in which you want to unzip the files (either in the Z and I Emulator for Web publish directory or in a special-purpose publish directory). If not, copy the .zip file to that directory.
  4. Open the DWunzip command file appropriate to your operating system. For example, AIX users open the file named DWunzip-AIX.
  5. Verify that the target paths specified within the command file are correct. Change any runtime variables if necessary.
  6. Open a command prompt on the target server and change the current working directory to the directory location of the DWunzip tool.
  7. On non-Windows platforms, make sure the DWunzip command has execute permissions.
  8. Run the appropriate DWunzip command file for your operating system with the .zip file name parameter. For example, AIX users run DWunzip-AIX zipfile, where zipfile is the name of the file ( without its .zip extension) to be deployed.

When DWunzip is running, it displays status messages to the command line showing the files and folders that were extracted, overwritten, or created. It also displays a message when the command is complete. If you have run this tool once and are running it again on the same .zip file, you will be asked whether you would like to overwrite the files. If you do, the files will be overwritten. If you do not, the tool will close and nothing will be overwritten.