Import Session

The Import Session window appears in two different contexts:

  • You are a user adding a session to the Z and I Emulator for Web client desktop
    1. On the Z and I Emulator for Web client desktop, click Add Sessions.
    2. On the Add Sessions window, click Import.
    3. The Import Session window appears.
      Note The ability to import a session into a client desktop is available only if the session was created using the configuration server-based client model.
  • You are a Z and I Emulator for Web administrator running the Administration Utility
    1. Right-click a user name or a group name.
    2. Click Sessions.
    3. Click Import Session.
    4. The Import Session window appears.

There is a third context in which a session can be imported, but it uses the Add Sessions window in the Deployment Wizard:

  • You are a Z and I Emulator for Web administrator running the Deployment Wizard
    1. On the Configuration Model page, select the HTML-based model and click Next.
    2. On the Host Sessions page, click New/Import.
    3. The Add Session window appears.
      Note The ability to import a session in the Deployment Wizard is available only if the HTML-based client model is selected.


New/Import: Create or import host sessions

for more information on this context.

This help file describes the Import Session window. The sections of this help file are:

User Administrator Limitations on importing a session


To import a session into the Client desktop using the Import Session window:

  1. Type the name of the session file that you want to import (such as, or click Browse and then select a session file.
  2. Click OK.

The session icon for the imported session appears in the Configured Sessions area of the Z and I Emulator for Web client desktop.

If you are importing a multiple session (a session that launches other sessions), then you must import not only the multiple session itself but also each session launched by the multiple session. For example, if the multiple session launches a 3270 Display session and a 5250 Display session, then you must import all three sessions:

  • The multiple session.
  • The 3270 Display session.
  • The 5250 Display session.


To import a session into the sessions window for a User or Group in the Administration Utility, using the Import Session window.

  1. Type the name of the session file that you want to import (such as, or else click Browse and then select a session file.
  2. Click OK.

The session icon for the imported session appears in the Configured Sessions area of the Group or User sessions window.

You can import either:

  • A Z and I Emulator for Web session that was previously exported; or
  • A Telnet session from HCL Z and I Emulator for Windows.
    Note A Telnet session from HCL Z and I Emulator for Windows may not behave in Z and I Emulator for Web exactly as it does in Z and I Emulator for Windows. Features such as screen colors and key mappings may not be correct.

If you are importing a multiple session (a session that launches other sessions), then you must import not only the multiple session itself but also each session launched by the multiple session. For example, if the multiple session launches a 3270 Display session and a 5250 Display session, then you must import all three sessions:

  • The multiple session.
  • The 3270 Display session.
  • The 5250 Display session.

Limitations on importing a session

A session can be imported into a client desktop only if the client desktop belongs to the Configuration server-based client model. Also, the Z and I Emulator for Web administrator must enable the Import Sessions option (see Disable Functions: Desktop).

In the Deployment Wizard, a session can be imported only if the HTML file being configured belongs to the HTML-based client model (see New/Import: Create or import host sessions).

Color limitations

If you are running a Java 2-enabled browser and you import an HCL Z and I Emulator for Windows session, the Z and I Emulator for Web Color window (Edit > Preferences > Color) displays some colors that have specific names in HCL Z and I Emulator for Windows (such as "Red") with the generic name "Custom Color". The reason in such a case is that Z and I Emulator for Web and Z and I Emulator for Windows use a different RGB color value for the same named color. For example, Z and I Emulator for Web defines a slightly different RGB value for "Red" than Z and I Emulator for Windows does. Therefore what is a named color ("Red") in HCL Z and I Emulator for Windows becomes a "Custom Color" in Z and I Emulator for Web.

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