Express Logon

Express Logon User Identity Type Credential Mapper Server Address

Express Logon Select one of the following options:

  • None: This value disables Express Logon.
  • Reuse Active Credentials: This value allows a user to reuse sign on credentials for as long as Z and I Emulator for Web is running in the JVM. The credentials are only saved in memory and not written to the file system. If a user has not been previously authenticated to this host, they will be prompted the first time and then the credentials are saved in memory. Subsequent connections to this same address use the credential values and bypass the logon prompt. The credentials are stored by host address. If one connection uses a host name and another connection uses a dotted decimal address, these are considered separate addresses. In order to use this feature for other connections, such as an FTP connection, Telnet connection or SSH connection, the destination addresses must match.
  • Use Kerberos Passticket (5250 sessions only): This value is used to retrieve a Kerberos Passticket from a Windows 2000 or Windows XP operating system. This Passticket is used to connect to the host system that you identify in the session properties. 
  • Web Express Logon: This value enables Web Express Logon.
    This item requires that the User Identity Type and possibly the Credential Mapper Server Address fields be configured correctly.

User Identity Type Select one of the following options:

  • Local system ID:  This value allows Z and I Emulator for Web to use the user's local Windows domain ID for authentication. To use this option, the "WindowsDomain" HTML parameter must be set to contain the name of the Windows Domain(s) to which your end users belong. Multiple domains must be separated by commas.
  • Network ID: This value allows Z and I Emulator for Web to use the user's client certificate or the ID that the user supplies to the network security application. Examples of network security applications include Tivoli Access Manager and Netegrity Siteminder. This is the default value for this field.
  • Portal ID: This value allows Z and I Emulator for Web to use the ID that the user supplies to Portal Server for authentication. Portal IDs are only valid when running in an IBM WebSphere Portal environment.

Credential Mapper Server Address Type the full URL of the Credential Mapper Server, for example, https://server_name/junction/cm/CredMapper, where

  • server_name is the name of the authentication server
  • junction is the name of the junction (this may be optional, depending on your network security application)
  • cm is the Credential Mapper application space
  • CredMapper is the servlet name

The servlet that resides at this URL processes the HTTPS request from the user, performs a lookup, and returns the user's credentials. The Z and I Emulator for Web client uses the obtained credentials to automate the login process.

If you are using Z and I Emulator for Web in a IBM WebSphere Portal environment and want Z and I Emulator for Web to retrieve user credentials from the Portal Credential Vault, leave this field blank.

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Web Express Logon Reference