Page Setup (3270 Printer session, 3270 Display session)

The Page Setup window appears in three different contexts:

  • Session configuration for a 3270 Printer session: You are configuring a 3270 Printer session; and you click Page Setup in the tree selection pane (left pane).
  • Runtime for a 3270 Printer session: You are running a 3270 Printer session; you are using either a Java 1 or a Java 2-enabled browser; and you click File > Page Setup.
  • Runtime for a 3270 Display session: You are running a 3270 Display session; you are using either a Java 1 or a Java 2-enabled browser; and you click File > Page Setup.

In a 3270 Display session:

  • The print options on the Page Setup window affect non-Java print mode only, not Java print mode (see Non-Java print mode and Java print mode).
  • Non-Java print mode is available for the following print operations:
    • Screen Print, if you select non-Java print mode.
    • Screen Print Collection, if you select non-Java print mode.
    • ZipPrint (always).
    To switch between Java print mode and non-Java print mode, see Switching print modes in display emulation sessions).

Change the options on the Page Setup window only if you are familiar with VTAM and with LU Type 1 and LU Type 3 protocols.

If you are using a Printer Definition Table (PDT), the values that you select in the Advanced Options window temporarily override any conflicting values that may be defined in the PDT. However, the PDT file itself is not modified.

Host SCS commands override the following options when the Bestfit option is not set to Yes in the Advanced Options (Page Setup) window:

  • Characters per inch
  • Lines per inch
  • Maximum lines per page
  • Maximum characters per line

Characters per inch

Lines per inch

Maximum lines per page

Maximum characters per line


Select Font

Suppress null lines

Print nulls as spaces

Suppress NL if CR at MPP+1 (3270 Printer session only)

Suppress NL if NL at MPP+1 (3270 Printer session only)

Ignore FF when at first position (3270 Printer session only)

FF takes space if before data (3270 Printer session only)

Form-feed position (3270 Printer session only)

Use Multiple Print Screen Per Page


Advanced Options

Characters per inch Specifies the number of characters printed per inch. When a PDT is being used, the choices that appear are defined in the PDT. When a PDT is not being used on a Windows platform, three choices (10, 12, and 17) are available.

When a PDT is being used, the default value is taken from the DEFAULT_CPI? entry in the PDT, if this entry exists. When a PDT is not being used on a Windows platform, 10 is the default value.

Lines per inch Specifies the number of lines per inch. When a PDT is being used, the choices that appear are defined in the PDT. When a PDT is not being used on a Windows platform, five choices (2, 3, 4, 6, and 8) are available.

When a PDT is being used, the default value is taken from the DEFAULT_LPI? entry in the PDT if this entry exists. When no PDT is being used on a Windows platform, 6 is the default value.

Maximum lines per page Specifies the maximum number of lines per page, including the top and bottom margins. This value is also called Maximum Page Length (MPL). Enter a value from 1 to 255.

When a PDT is being used, the default value is taken from the MAXIMUM_PAGE_LENGTH entry in the PDT. If the entry is not found or when no PDT is being used on a Windows platform, the default value, 66, is used.

Maximum characters per line Specifies the maximum number of characters per line and is also called the Maximum Print Position or the Maximum Presentation Position (MPP). Enter a value from 1 to 255.

When a PDT is being used, the default value is taken from the MAXIMUM_PRINT_POSITION entry in the PDT. If the entry is not found or when no PDT is being used on a Windows platform, the default value, 80, is used.

Font This option only applies when a PDT is not being used on a Windows platform.

This field displays the currently-selected Windows font to be used for printing.

On Emulator clients (for example, default.html), this field is read-only. Click Select Font to change the font.

On Administration clients (for example, admin.html), you can type any font name in this field. Please be careful that the specified font is available on the client machines.

The default value varies depending on the current locale.

Select Font This option only applies when a PDT is not being used on a Windows platform.

Click this button to see the Font window where you can specify a font to be used for printing.

Z and I Emulator for Web ignores the font style you select and uses a normal font style, except for intensified characters on LU Type 3 sessions, which print with a bold font style.

On single-byte character set 3270 printer sessions, Z and I Emulator for Web ignores the font size you specify. On double-byte character set 3270 printer sessions, Z and I Emulator for Web uses a 10 point font size if the character spacing is wide enough. If the character spacing is not wide enough, Z and I Emulator for Web calculates an appropriate point size based on the characters per inch and lines per inch.

You will not see a Select Font button on the Page Setup tab when running Z and I Emulator for Web on clients other than Windows.

Suppress null lines This option applies only to an unformatted LU Type 3 job and when bits 2 and 3 in the Write Control Character (WCC) are not B'00'.

Choose Yes to suppress the lines that contain only non-printable characters; non-printable characters are nulls, characters in a non-print field, and field attributes. The space (blank) (X'40') is considered a printable character.

Choose No to print a line that contains only non-printable characters as a blank line.

When a PDT is being used, the default value is taken from the COMPRESS_LINE_SPACING? entry in the PDT. If the entry is not found, or when a PDT is not being used on a Windows platform, the value No is used.

Print nulls as spaces This option applies only to LU Type 3 sessions. Nulls are printed as spaces (X'40').

When a PDT is being used, the default value is taken from the OVERRIDE_FORMATTED_PRINT? entry in the PDT. If the entry is not found, or when a PDT is not being used on a Windows platform, the value Yes is used.

Suppress NL if CR at MPP+1 (3270 Printer session only) This option applies only to an unformatted LU Type 3 job and when bits 2 and 3 in the Write Control Character (WCC) are B'00'.

Choose Yes to suppress an automatic-new-line if there is a Carriage Return (CR) code at (Maximum Print Position) MPP+1. For example, if the character 'A' is at MPP of line n and is followed by a CR code at MPP+1 and the character 'B' at MPP+2, the 'A' is printed at the last position of line n and the 'B' is printed at the first position of the same line (overlapping).

Choose No to have 'B' print at the first position of line n+1.

When a PDT is being used, the default value is taken from the NO_AUTO_NL_IF_CR_AT_MPP_PLUS_1? entry in the PDT. If the entry is not found, or when a PDT is not being used on a Windows platform, the value No is used.

Suppress NL if NL at MPP+1 (3270 Printer session only) This option applies only to an unformatted LU Type 3 job and when bits 2 and 3 in the Write Control Character (WCC) are B'00'.

Choose Yes to suppress an automatic-new-line if there is a new-line (NL) code at MPP+1. For example, if the character 'A' is at MPP of line n and is followed by a NL code at MPP+1 and the character 'B' at MPP+2, the 'A' is printed at the last position of line n and the 'B' is printed at the first position of line n+1.

If you choose No, an NL at MPP+1 is effective after an automatic-new-line and the result is a blank line. For example, if the character 'A' is at MPP of line n and is followed by a NL code at MPP+1 and the character 'B' at MPP+2, the 'A' is printed at the last position of line n and 'B' is printed at the first position of line n+2.

When a PDT is being used, the default value is taken from the NO_AUTO_NL_IF_NL_AT_MPP_PLUS_1? entry in the PDT. If the entry is not found, or when a PDT is not being used on a Windows platform, the value No is used.

Ignore FF when at first position (3270 Printer session only) If the session is LU Type 3 and you choose Yes, a form feed (FF) at the first position on the first line is ignored.

If the session is LU Type 1 and you choose Yes, an FF or a CR+FF combination at the beginning of a print job is ignored.

When a PDT is being used, the default value is taken from the IGNORE_FORM_FEED_AT_FIRST_POS? entry in the PDT. If the entry is not found, or when a PDT is not being used on a Windows platform, the value No is used.

FF takes space if before data (3270 Printer session only) This option applies only to LU Type 3 sessions.

If you choose Yes, FF is executed, takes a print position, and is printed as a blank in the first position on the first line of the next page. Therefore, the next print-position will be the second position of that line.

If you choose No, FF is executed and the next print-position is the first position on the first line of the next page. That is, FF does not take a print position.

When a PDT is being used, the default value is taken from the FORM_FEED_TAKES_POSITION? entry in the PDT. If the entry is not found, or when a PDT is not being used on a Windows platform, the value Yes is used.

Form-feed position (3270 Printer session only) This option applies only to LU Type 3 sessions.

If you choose the Any position option, FF is performed wherever it appears.

If you choose Column 1 only, FF is performed only if it appears at column 1. When FF is not at column 1, it is printed as a space character.

When a PDT is being used, the default value is taken from the FORM_FEED_ANY_POSITION? entry in the PDT. If this is defined as Any, any position is used. If the entry is not found, or when a PDT is not being used on a Windows platform, the value Column 1 only is used.

Use Multiple Print Screen per Page Enabling the use of Multiple Print Screen Per Page will enable the user to be able to print more than one screen ie. two, three or four screens per page. This option is not supported for PDT mode and and when set to Yes, this feature will override the BestFit settings. The screen size chosen during the session configuration will be used to adjust the print output.

Lock Select Lock to prevent users from changing the associated startup value for a session. You cannot change values for most fields because the fields are unavailable. However, functions accessed from the session menu bar or the tool bar can be changed.

Advanced Options See Advanced Options (Page Setup).

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