Specifying keystroke buffering

Keystroke buffering, also referred to as type-ahead support, enables you to enter keystrokes in an emulator session even when input is inhibited. Keystrokes are buffered when input is inhibited and processed later when the input-inhibited condition is removed. You can purge buffered keystrokes by pressing the Reset key.

Even with keystroke buffering enabled, not all keystrokes are buffered.

  • Buffered keys
    • AID
    • ANSI
    • ASCII
    • DBCIST
    • DBCS2ND
    • DEAD 3270
    • EBCDIC
    • FUNC_5250
    • GE_KEY
    • UNICODE16
  • Buffered cursor keys
    • backspace
    • delete
    • down
    • end
    • enter
    • eof
    • home
    • jump
    • left
    • markdown
    • markleft
    • markright
    • markup
    • movedown
    • moveleft
    • moveright
    • moveup
    • pagedown
    • pageup
    • right
    • tab
    • unmark
    • up
  • Keys not buffered
    • altscr
    • altview
    • attn
    • caps lock
    • context menu
    • dbcsinp
    • dspsosi
    • enterreset
    • escape
    • help
    • insert
    • pause
    • reset
    • scroll lock
    • shift
    • windows

When keystroke buffering is disabled, keystrokes are processed immediately, which causes errors if input is inhibited.

By default, keystroke buffering is enabled. To disable it, use any of the following methods:

  • For HACL users, set the setIsNotTypeAhead session parameter to true.
  • For HTML users, set the isNotTypeAhead HTML parameter to true. See HTML parameters.
  • For terminal window users, from the menu bar:
    1. Select Edit > Preferences > Keyboard.
    2. Select No for the Keystroke Buffering option.

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