
Confirm on Exit

Show Border

Graphical OIA

Textual OIA



Toolbar Text

Status Bar

Macro Manager

Right Mouse Button

Scratch Pad

'Save' in Scratch Pad

Screen history

History Screen Type


Menu changes

Quick connect

Search Text

Full Screen

Confirm on Exit Select Yes if you want a warning message to appear when a user attempts to close a session. If users select File > Exit, close a session window, exit from the toolbar, or right-click the left corner of the session window, a window appears asking if they really want to exit. If the user clicks OK, the session ends. If the user clicks Cancel or closes the window, the session remains open and unchanged. If the user closes the browser window, no exit warnings appear. If the user closes both a session and its associated printer session, the exit warning appears only once.

The default is No.

Show Border Sets the border color around a session to either gray or black. If the background color of the session is black, the session appears to have no border.

The default is Yes (gray border around the session).

Graphical OIA Determines whether the Graphical Operator Information Area (OIA) is visible on the screen.

The default is Yes (visible).

Textual OIA Determines whether the Textual OIA is visible on the screen.

The default is No (not visible).

Keypad Determines whether the Keypad is visible on the screen. You can also turn this on or off from the View menu in the session screen.

The default is No (not visible).

Toolbar Determines whether the Toolbar is visible on the screen. You can also turn this on or off from the View menu in the session screen.

The default is Yes (visible).

Toolbar Text Determines whether the text that explains the purpose of each toolbar button is visible on the toolbar buttons. You can also turn this on or off from the View menu in the session screen.

The default is No (not visible).

Status Bar Determines whether the Status Bar is visible at the bottom of the screen when the session starts. The Status Bar displays connection status messages and toolbar button descriptions. You can also turn this on or off from the View menu in the session screen.

The default is Yes (visible).

Macro Manager Determines whether the Macro Manager toolbar is visible on the screen. You can also turn this on or off from the View menu in the session screen

The default is No (not visible).

Right Mouse Button Determines whether the right mouse button displays the context menu or displays the popup keypad when in the session window. Note: the popup keypad is only available when running on a Java 2 JVM.   

If mouse buttons are configured for left-hand use, this option determines the behavior of the left mouse button on a session window.

The default is Context Menu, which displays the context menu.

Scratch Pad Determines whether the Scratch Pad is visible at the right side of the screen or in a separate tab(in case of tabbed sessions) when the session starts. You can also turn on or off from the View menu in the session screen. The default is No (not visible).

'Save' in Scratch Pad Determines whether the 'Save' button is enabled in the scratch pad or not. The default is Yes (Enabled).

Screen History Enables/Disables the Screen History feature for 3270 and 5250 session. Select Yes to enable Screen History. The default is No.

History Screen Type Determines the type of History Screen that would be viewed for Screen History. Traditional History Screen will have the Terminal look and feel whereas the Simple History Screen will be useful to reduce memory consumption. The default is Traditional. The History Screen Type will not be grayed out if Screen History is set to NO. This enables users to select the type of History Screens to be viewed before starting the session itself. Users can enable or disable Screen History from the View menu after starting the session. When a thumbnail is clicked on, the History Screen of the type chosen before starting the session appears.

Lock Check Lock to prevent users from changing the associated startup value for a session. Users can not change values for most fields because the fields are unavailable. However, functions accessed from the session menu bar or tool bar can be changed.

Menu Changes

  • Edit
  • View
  • Actions

Quick connect

Determines whether the Quick Connect menu item is visible on the Screen. You can also turn this on or off from the View menu in the session screen.

Possible Values Yes/No

The default is No (not visible).

Search Text

Determines whether the Search Text Bar is visible on the screen.You can also turn this on or off from the View menu in the session screen.

Possible Values - Yes/No

The default is No (not visible).

Full Screen

Users can toggle between default screen size and full screen size for better usability. This feature is available only for display sessions opened in a separate window.