
Session Name Destination Address Destination Port Prompt for Destination Address Protocol Auto-Connect Auto-Reconnect Timeout (Milliseconds) Delay (Milliseconds) Number of Retries Host Type Startup QUOTE Command Data Connection Mode Lock

Session Name The name you want your session to have. The name appears beneath the session's icon and at the top of the session window.

Destination Address The host name or TCP/IP address of the FTP server to which you want the session to connect. This can also be the Z and I Emulator for Web server (if the session will connect through the Redirector), a communications server/gateway or a host system.

If you see asterisks (*****) in this field, the administrator has configured the session to hide this value.

Destination Port The port number on which the target server is listening for connections. If the session will connect to the Z and I Emulator for Web Redirector, this number must match the Redirector's Local Port number.

The default port is 21 for FTP.

If you see asterisks (*****) in this field, the administrator has configured the session to hide this value.

Prompt For Destination Address When set to Yes, the user will be prompted to enter the destination address and port during FTP login.

The default is No.

Protocol Select one of the following security protocols from the list:

Enables a non-secure connection between the workstation and a FTP server.
Enables Transport Layer Security (TLS). TLS version 1.0 is the default security protocol for Z and I Emulator for Web clients. Note that TLS allows security negotiations from TLS version 1.0 to SSL version 3.0.
FTP - SSL only
Enables SSL version 3.0 security. Select this protocol only if the server cannot correctly negotiate a TLS connection.
Enables Secure Shell (SSH) file transfer in binary mode. Z and I Emulator for Web supports a subset of SSH version 2.

The default is FTP.

Auto-Connect Automatically connects the session to the target ftp server. If you set this to No, you must click Connect in the session menu every time you want to connect a session.

The default is Yes.

Auto-Reconnect When set to Yes, automatically re-connects the session to the target ftp server if the connection fails. If you set this to No, you must click Connect in the session menu to re-connect the session.

The default is Yes.

Timeout (milliseconds) Sets the FTP connection timeout in milliseconds. To prevent the connection from ever timing out set this value to 0.

The default is 60000.

Delay (milliseconds) Sets the delay, in milliseconds, between connection retry attempts. Auto-reconnect must be set to Yes.

The default is 1000.

Number of Retries Sets the maximum number of connection attempts. A value of 0 will cause the session to try connect to the FTP server until a connection is made or you cancel the attempt. Auto-reconnect must be set to Yes.

The default is 5.

Host Type Defines the FTP server's directory/file format style. Valid values are Auto-Detect, MS-DOS, MVS, Novell, OpenVMS, OS/2, i5/OS, OS/400, OS/400-Unix, Unix, and VM.

The default is Auto-Detect. You should only change this value if you are having trouble seeing the remote system's file list (for example, when the remote file list panel displays only file folders and no other data, or the format of the data is incorrect).

To list the contents of MVS datasets and HFS directories without changing the Host Type or defining two separate FTP sessions, select Auto-Detect for the Host Type. You can list the contents of either PDS datasets or HFS directories using the working Directory field. For example, the path user.linklib lists the members of the user.linklib dataset, and the path /usr lists the contents of the usr HFS directory.

When you select Auto-Detect, the FTP client uses SYST or PWD response string to determine the server directory style, and to parse the data in one of the Host Type formats. The following is the default Server OS and Host Type mapping based on SYST or PWD response:

Server OS Type Host Type
OS/390 or z/OS MVS or Unix
VMS or OpenVMS OpenVMS
OS/2 OS/2
OS/400 V4R3 or lower (Library File System) OS/400
OS/400 V4R4 or higher (IFS File System) OS/400-Unix
Unix Unix
Novell Netware Novell
Linux Unix
Windows Systems Unix or MS-DOS
Other Systems Unix

The Z and I Emulator for Web FTP client now supports the directory listing of the Novell Netware operating system, allowing you to connect to a Novell FTP server, browse through its files, and upload and download files.

Startup QUOTE Command Sends an uninterpreted string of data to the FTP server as the session starts. The Startup Quote Command allows you to set FTP server supported options when starting the session. For example, to set the host translation table, type "site trans [translation table name]" in the dialog box.

Data Connection Mode

Active (PORT)
The FTP client always uses active/normal mode for data connection.
If you select Automatic with an IPv6 FTP client or server, the FTP client attempts Extended Passive transfer.

If you select Automatic with an IPv4 FTP client or server and a secure connection, the FTP client attempts Extended Passive transfer. If Extended Passive transfer fails, the FTP client attempts active transfer. If active transfer fails, the FTP client attempts passive transfer.

If you select Automatic with an IPv4 FTP client or server and a non-secure connection, the FTP client attempts active transfer. If active transfer fails, the FTP client attempts passive transfer.

Extended Passive (EPSV)
The FTP client uses Extended Passive for passive data connections to secure FTP servers that support this comand or IPv6 FTP servers.
Passive (PASV)
The FTP client always uses passive mode for data connection.

The default is Automatic.


  • If you select HTTP Proxy, Socks v4, Socks v5, or Socks v4 if v5 unavailable as the Proxy Type on the Proxy Server window, the Data Connection Mode defaults to Automatic and is disabled.
  • If you select Automatic, the FTP client checks the socks settings in your browser's proxy server settings to automatically enable PASV mode.
  • If you have a socksified client, you must select Passive if the the FTP server is outside the firewall.
  • If the FTP client has trouble connecting to the FTP server, you might need to turn off the browser's proxy settings; if you have enabled this option, disable it.
  • If the FTP client session appears to hang after a file upload or download when the Data Connection Mode is Passive, increasing the Timeout value from 60000 milliseconds to 120000 milliseconds might resolve the problem.

Lock (Z and I Emulator for Web Administrator only) Select Lock to prevent users from changing the associated startup value for a session. Users can not change values for most fields because the fields are unavailable. However, functions accessed from the session menu or tool bar can be changed.