General options

The general settings for each host type include:

Host Type (3270 Display session)

Timeout (in seconds)

Local Code Page

Packet Size


File-Transfer User ID (5250 Display session)

File-Transfer Destination Address (5250)

Express Logon (5250)

Enable Proxy Server (5250)

Proxy Server Destination Address (5250)

Proxy Server Destination Port (5250)

Host-File Orientation

Local-File Orientation

Local-File Type

Lam-Alef Expansion

Lam-Alef Compression

Symmetric Swapping

Round Trip

Numeral Shape

Host Type (3270 Display session) The type of host to which this session will connect. This determines which set of default options are used.

Timeout (in seconds) This option specifies the length of time (in seconds) that the workstation waits for a response from the host. Only numeric characters 0-9 are allowed. The acceptable range is from 20 to 65535 or 0: (if you specify 0, a timeout will not be set). The default is 30. If the host does not respond within this time, the file transfer is canceled, and you receive an error message. You might need to increase the value if you have a slow connection.

Local Code Page The code page is a table that translates EBCDIC codes to local one-byte codes, or vice versa, when files are transferred. The default corresponds to the host code page that was set in the session configuration.

Packet Size

  • The packet size is the maximum size that the client can use for inbound and outbound messages during host file transfer. The client notifies the host of this value.
  • In general a larger value increases the speed of file transfers. However, if the host is configured to use a smaller packet size than the client, then increasing the client's packet size will not improve the speed of file transfers, unless the host's packet size is also increased.
  • The valid range of values for packet size is 256 to 32767. The default value is 2500.
    • A value smaller than 256 is changed to 256.
    • A value larger than 32767 is changed to 32767.
    • An invalid value, such as a character string, is changed to 2500.

Pause The number of seconds to pause between each transfer. This setting appears only when you are configuring the session properties from within the Deployment Wizard or the Administration Utility.

File Transfer User ID (5250 Display session) You must log on to an i5/OS or OS/400 host, specifically to do file transfer, even if you are already logged on to a display or printer session. The user ID that is specified here will be used to pre-fill the user ID field in the logon window when you initiate a file transfer.

File Transfer Destination Address (5250) This option specifies the actual final destination address of the host to be used for the file transfer.

Express Logon (5250) This option allows you to specify whether or not to reuse active credentials for the file transfer. If you have authenticated to this host previously, those credentials are applied to this connection. If you have not authenticated to the host, you will be prompted for the userid and password one time and then the credentials are saved in memory for subsequence connections. Credentials are remembered until they are cleared or the Z and I Emulator for Web session has ended.

Enable Proxy Server (5250) Enables you to use an i5/OS or OS/400 proxy server during the file transfer. The i5/OS or OS/400 proxy server service is started by the Z and I Emulator for Web server. The default is No.

Proxy Server Destination Address (5250) Specifies the address of the i5/OS or OS/400 proxy server, which is started by the Z and I Emulator for Web Server, to be used for the file transfer. It is used only when the Proxy Server is enabled.

Proxy Server Destination Port (5250) Specifies the port number of the i5/OS or OS/400 proxy server to be used for the file transfer. It is used only when the Proxy Server is enabled.

Host-File Orientation This option applies if the session is configured for an Arabic or Hebrew host code page and specifies whether the host files you transfer will be saved, in left-to-right or right-to-left format.

The default is Left-to-Right.

Local-File Orientation This option applies if the session is configured for an Arabic or Hebrew host code page and specifies whether the local files you transfer will be saved, in left-to-right or right-to-left format.

The default is Left-to-Right.

Local-File Type This option applies if the session is configured for an Arabic or Hebrew host code page and specifies whether the local files you transfer will be saved, in the format in which they are saved (Implicit) or in the format in which they should be displayed.

The default is Implicit.

Lam-Alef Expansion This option applies if the session is configured for an Arabic host code page. When receiving files from the host, the character Lam_alef is expanded into two characters, Lam followed by Alef. This option is available for Windows local code page 1256 and AIX ISO code page 1089.

The default is to do expansion.

Lam-Alef Compression This option applies if the session is configured for an Arabic host code page. When sending files to the host, the characters Lam followed by Alef are compressed into one character, Lam_alef. This option is available for Windows local code page 1256 and AIX ISO code page 1089.

The default is to do compression.

Symmetric Swapping This option applies if the session is configured for an Arabic or Hebrew host code page. This option affects the brackets during file transfer. If symmetric swapping is enabled, brackets are reversed from the source to the target. That is, " (" is replaced by " )" and " )" is replaced by " (". If the feature is not enabled, brackets are not reversed.

The default is to do symmetric swapping.

Round Trip This option applies if the session is configured for an Arabic or Hebrew host code page. If this option is enabled when transferring files, numerals that are preceded by BIDI characters will remain in place. If this option is disabled, the numerals will exchange positions with the preceding BIDI characters.

The default is to do round trip.

Numeral Shape This option applies if the session is configured for an Arabic host code page. When sending files to the host, the numeral shape will be one of the following:

  • Nominal All numerals will be Arabic numerals.
  • National All numerals will be Hindi numerals.
  • Contextual The shape depends on the location of the numerals:
    • If the numerals are after English text, then they will be Arabic numerals.
    • If the numerals are after Arabic text, then they will be Hindi numerals.

The default is Nominal.