WebSphere Commerce EnterpriseWebSphere Commerce Professional

Blocking orders

Automatic blocks can be placed on orders and quotes by the WebSphere Commerce system based on reasons programmed into the system. An automatically generated block remains on an order or quote until an administrator resolves the issue and removes the block. In addition, you can place a manual block on an order if you suspect a problem with the order based on existing guidelines from your supervisor. A manually generated block remains on an order or quote until you or another operator resolves the issue and removes the block.


  1. Log on to the IBM Sales Center.
  2. Select a store.
  3. Find the order or quote with which you want to work.
  4. In the status section of the Order or Quote page of the Order or Quote editor, click the Block button to open a page that you can use to perform any of the following actions:
    1. View blocks on the order or quote.
    2. View block details.
    3. Block an order.
    4. Modify block information.
    5. Remove a block on the order.
  5. Go to the Payment page.
  6. Click Submit or Complete Quote.