Lab Exercise 12 – Enable Error Logging

This lab exercise demonstrates how to enable error logging in BigFix Runbook AI, allowing organizations to capture and track logs of errors for governance purposes. The process involves accessing the BigFix Runbook AI Web URL, enabling detail logging for the listener and application, and modifying the logging mode of all jobs to enable detailed logging of errors.


An organization has asked to enable error logging to capture the logs of all the errors for tracking and governance purposes.

In this lab, we will showcase the detailed procedure for enabling error logging in BigFix Runbook AI


Access to Super Admin / Org Admin credentials should be available

BigFix Runbook AI Web URL.


  1. Open BigFix Runbook AI Web URL and login with Super Admin credentials.
  1. Go to Advance Configuration and click Product Configuration.
Figure 1. Figure 235 - Configuration
  1. Select the checkbox for Detail Logging for Listener.
  2. Select the checkbox for Detail Logging for Application.
  3. Click Update to save the configuration.
Figure 2. Figure 236 - Configuration (cont.)
  1. Go to Actions and click Manage Jobs.
Figure 3. Figure 237 – Manage Jobs
  1. Select a job, click icon to modify the logging mode of Jobs.

Figure 238 – Manage Jobs Action

  1. Click Parameter.
Figure 4. Figure 239 – Job Action
  1. Change LoggerState from OFF to ON for detailed logging.
Figure 5. Figure 240 – Job Action (cont.)
  1. Click Save to apply configuration.
  2. Repeat Steps 5 to 8 for all jobs.


Post the completion of this exercise, you should have a good understanding of enabling detailed logging of errors for all the jobs.

The next step is to enable access to BigFix Runbook AI via a proxy, which will be covered in the next exercise.