Post-Execution Action Script Tab

In the Pre-Execution Action Script tab of the Take Multiple Actions dialog, you can create an action script that runs after the chosen set of actions is run.

This window displays the Pre-Execution Action Script tab of the Take Multiple Actions dialog under which you can create an action script that runs after the chosen set of actions is run.
This tab is available from several different dialogs:
There are two buttons in this dialog:
Do not run a custom action script after executing this multiple action group
This is the default for most Fixlet actions, and is the recommended option.
Run the following action script after executing this multiple action group
You can select one of the following options and either modify the existing script or enter a new script in the text area. Select the type of action script that you want to use for this script:
BigFix Action Script
This is the BigFix standard scripting language for actions.
This is Apple's scripting language for controlling computer resources.
The action is a shell script to be run by a Linux or a UNIX or a bsd shell.
Starting from version 10.0.4, BigFix gives you the possibility to run PowerShell scripts too.

You can run on a selected Windows Client the script that you write in the Action Script text box. The script runs on the PowerShell installed by default by your Windows operating system in the C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0 directory, if available, or in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0.

The script is executed by default using the -ExecutionPolicy Bypass option. To avoid using this option, you can use the _BESClient_PowerShell_DisableExecPolicyBypass client setting described in the Miscellaneous section of the List of settings and detailed descriptions page.

Since they are executed in hidden mode, PowerShell scripts requiring user interaction or showing pop-up windows or dialog boxes are not supported and might cause the action to remain in running status or the script to display an error in the log file.

Note: By default, actions cannot be undone. Make sure to test your action on a small scale before you deploy it in your entire network.