The rate reassd is currently reassembling non-SSL hits

About this task

This metric indicates the core processing rate of the DNCA. Typically, an instance of the DNCA must be able to process between 400®-600 hits per second.

  • For SSL traffic, the process rate is typically 200-300 hits per second.

Analysis: If this rate drops too low, then the reassd process is overburdened. The following items can be investigated to try to improve processing rates:


Check privacy rules: Privacy rules that are applied in the DNCA can be expensive in terms of processing, especially if you are using regular expressions to assess the data. Wherever possible, avoid by using regular expressions.
  • Use privacy rules to block or encrypt only the most sensitive data. For more information about privacy rules, see Downloading Privacy Configuration.
  • Privacy evaluation can be moved from the DNCA to the Windows™ pipeline, as needed. While applying privacy in the DNCA ensures that sensitive data never displayed in the Discover system, non-critical privacy processing can be applied through the Windows pipeline, by using identical rules configuration. See "Privacy Session Agent" in the Unica Discover Configuration Manual.
  • For more information about how Discover deploys privacy, see "Managing Data Privacy in Discover" in the Unica Discover Installation Manual.