Report to monitor incoming response data

Unica Deliver processes incoming email contact and response data to prepare information that is required by various Deliver reports. Processing the new information as it arrives is a required step that improves reports performance. You can run the Deliver Reports Processing Overview to monitor the processing of the latest reporting data.

The system is configured to process incoming data in batches through scheduled database procedures. Typically, the procedures run every day, but the frequency is configurable. The new data is available for reporting after the process completes. The time that is required to complete the process depends on the amount of new contact and response data that you receive.

Run the Deliver Reports Processing Overview to monitor the reports data processing and to determine whether the data is available for use in Deliver reports. Each batch is identified by a unique run identifier. The report also lists the number of records that are being processed, current processing status, and when the processing completed.

For more information about configuring the reports data processing, see the Cognos Reports Installation and Configuration Guide and Unica Insights Reports Installation and Configuration Guide.