Detailed Link by Cell Report

The Detailed Link by Cell Report provides link response data for Deliver mailings associated with a specific campaign and associates the responses with the cells that define the audience for the mailing. Presenting link response data and audience cell data in the same report makes it easier to associate link clicks with the characteristics of email recipients that respond to your email. For example, if you design a cell to select men over 50 years old and another cell for men under 30, you can compare link clicks to age in the same report.

Deliver maintains a record of each mailing run as a mailing instance. The cells included in the report are defined by flowcharts in the campaign and are associated with the mailing through the recipient list specified in the mailing configuration. To generate the Detailed Link by Cell report, you select mailing instances and related cells.

The report identifies link clicks related to social networks. The report identifies when the email recipient clicks a social sharing link in the email to share a link to the message on social networks. The report also identifies when other individuals click the link that was shared and the specific social network where the click originated. Analyzing link clicks generated through social sharing links can help measure the visibility of your marketing message on various social networks.

The Detailed Link by Cell report displays data only for email and landing page links that are clicked. The report does not display data for email and landing page links until an individual clicks the link. However, running the Detailed Link by Cell Report later can provide additional link response information, because email recipients can continue to open email messages and visit links or landing pages over time.