Example 2: Higher priority permissions

When groups U4 and T4 are created, the default template is accepted as the standard set of permissions. Create a relationship in Manage Permissions between U4 and T4 and select a higher priority No for Chat and higher priority Yes for Monitor.

Create the Permissions link

  1. Click Target groups > All target groups.
  2. Select T4
  3. Click Manage Permissions.
  4. The Manage Permissions screen is displayed.
  5. Click the Group Browser button if not selected.
  6. Click the selector button next to user group then select U4. Group list must be expanded.
  7. Click the selector button.
  8. Click the selector button next to target group then T4. Group list must be expanded.
  9. Click the selector button.
  10. The set of permissions and their selected values, which are derived from the combination of standard policies that are defined for U4 and T4 is displayed.
  11. Click the Enabled check box to make all of the policies available.
  12. Set priority 1 for Chat and select No, set priority 1 for Monitor, and select Yes. Set Guidance, Active, and File transfer to No.
  13. Click Submit.

Figure 1. Higher priority permissions

Group hierarchy is displayed showing permission links between groups U4 and T4, and U1 and T1. Surrounding text provides more information.