Custom URL parameters for additional link tracking

To gather additional link click information for your marketing email, you can request that Unica automatically add custom URL parameters to links contained in your marketing email messages.

When this feature is enabled for your hosted email account, Deliver automatically adds a name/value pair as an additional URL parameter to every link in your marketing email messages. You do not need to use the Message Editor to manually add the parameter to email links. However, you must define the name and the value that Deliver inserts as an additional URL parameter.

You can also request that Deliver does not adds additional URL parameters to links under certain conditions.

Specifying name/value pairs for additional URL parameters gives you the ability to pass selected data to the link target when the email recipient clicks a link in the email message. You can use the URL parameter data for various purposes. For example, if you add URL parameters that identify the specific mailing and message, you can configure web analytic tools to recognize the specified parameter values to identify the individuals who visit your web site and which mailing they responded to.

The parameter value that you specify can be static text or a personalized field.

Automatically adding URL parameters is available only by request. To request custom URL parameters for link tracking, contact the Unica Deliver Services team via HCL technical support team.