About using Deliver to send transactional message

To use Deliver to send transactional message, digital marketers consult with application developers to complete the configuration and programming work required to send transactional message.

The digital marketing team determines which transactions require an automated message response, create the appropriate message and attachments, and enable a mailing for transactional message. Application developers create a client application that processes transaction notifications, retrieves personalization data from marketing databases, and submits transactional message requests to the Deliver TMS.

Every transactional message is based on a standard Deliver mailing that references the appropriate message and personalization information. To use the standard mailing to send a single message in response to a transaction, you must enable the mailing for transactional message.

You can enable any standard Deliver mailing for transactional message. After enabling a mailing for transactional message and configuring a transactional message client to submit web service requests, sending transactional message requires no further manual intervention. However, the mailing remains available for execution as a standard or scheduled mailing.

Transactional email messages can include attachments to provide the email recipient with additional personalized information. For example, to confirm purchase of a concert ticket, the transactional email can include a printable version of the ticket and a seating map. Deliver supports email attachments only with transactional email. You cannot attach documents to standard email messages.

Consider the following points when preparing to send transactional messages.

  • What event triggers the transactional message?
  • What information is required to respond to the transaction?
  • What recipient contact and personalization information is required?
  • Do you need to include attachments with the transactional message?
  • Has the application development team finished configuring the local transactional message client that submits the web service request required to send the transactional message?