HCL Commerce Version or later

Commerce Marketing Content library

The integrated HCL Digital Experience Content Composer tool contains a reference Commerce Marketing Content library which consists of a sample Express Workflow and two sample content templates, Marketing Content Template and Marketing Video Sample Template. The templates contain predefined elements that are used to create the content. The sample HCL Commerce content and templates in the library is contained in separate folders for the EmeraldPlus and SapphirePlus stores.

  • Marketing Content Template: renders static content ad with image and button which on clicking redirects to a specific page.
  • Marketing Video Content Template: renders a video with video control options and image based content ads with button which on clicking redirects to a specific page.

The EmeraldPlus and SapphirePlus Reference Store applications have added support for HCL Digital Experience integration in which the Content Recommendation components are able to retrieve and process HCL Digital Experience content returned from the Marketing Spot REST service. The React component contains a reference implementation that renders content based on presentation logic specific to each authoring templates.

You can create and structure your content libraries based on your requirements for access control or site structure. We recommend that you structure the libraries so that they match the HCL Commerce store structure where you have one library per Storefront Asset Store (which may call the Content Asset Store) and per eSite store.

Marketing Managers with appropriate permissions to the Library are free to modify or create new Authoring templates and create content based on these templates. When modifying existing or introducing new authoring templates, the corresponding display aspects of these template must be handled in the React Store application. The Front End Developer can customize and replace the presentation logic within the Recommend Content component to process and render the modified or new Authoring templates.

For more information, see Using sample templates to create content and Creating content templates in HCL Digital Experience.

Permissions and roles

Marketing Managers for a particular store must be granted a role (Contributor, Editor) on a library mapped to that store so that they are able to manage and select marketing content associated with that store when HCL Digital Experience is launched from Management Center.

Note: All libraries created in HCL Digital Experience must be explicitly set for anonymous access on both Authoring and Live environments. For more information, see Permissions for accessing content from.