Managing digital assets

HCL Commerce does not provide any tools to manage digital assets for the React Stores and recommends that you use a third party digital asset management tool such as HCL Digital Experience. As such, catalog and marketing assets, images and attachments should simply be managed as fully qualified URLs with Management Center or through the data load processes.

Digital assets for a React Store

The Store SDK provides a store-web server to host the static web developer assets built by the React Store application and as such can also host digital assets including images, PDFs and videos for products, categories, and marketing content.

When such assets are deployed within the same web server as the React Store application, for example the Reference Store applications Emerald and Sapphire, you can reference these files using relative paths that can be routed to folders on the web server.

For catalog assets, routing to a particular sub-folder is done from a context root that is prefixed to the specified path for any reference to images in categories, products, attributes and attachments. This context root is set as /hclstore/<CAS Directory> by default. The <CAS Directory> value is the value that is specified for the CASDirectory for the store publish of the CAS model. The context root can be modified by updating the storeconf record for the CAS store with the name HeadlessStore.hclImagePath and value <context path>.

For Marketing assets from the Management Center Marketing tool, no predefined context root is included and you can specify the path for your digital assets. The Marketing <SAS directory> is not used in the React Store model. For example, for the Reference Store application Emerald, all paths begin with /EmeraldSAS and route directly to the corresponding /EmeraldSAS folder on the store-web server. Hence you should specify the image paths/asset paths in Management Center as /EmeraldSAS.

Digital assets for a Commerce Remote Store

Commerce Remote Stores (CRS) can have assets deployed and available to customers through their own custom process. However, you can use the Store web server to serve static assets instead of using the CRS application server.

You must separately manage the process of deploying assets to the Store web server.