Email templates and sitemap generator in Next.js store

An email template is a pre-designed format for creating consistent emails. Notifications are messages that inform users about events or updates related to a service or application.

The Next.js Store SDK contains email templates to send order confirmation, order cancellation, and order shipment notification emails. It also contains email templates for password reset request notifications, password change notifications, and to support shopper email activation scenarios.

Email Templates

The Next.js store has been updated to include email template implementations for these outbound notification messages.

Name of message in the Administration Console Message type name in MSGTYPES table Usage Default recipient
Notification to content contributor for a task activation ActivateTaskNotification Informs Content Contributors that the tasks that they have been assigned are now active. Members of the task group.
Message to notify approvers ApproversNotify Send a message to notify approvers. Approvers. Informs them of the request for approval.
Message that contains the customer's interest item list InterestItemListMessage A message sent by a customer containing his or her interest item list (wish list). Recipient entered by the user.
Message for notifying the merchant of an order MerchantOrderNotify Related to the NotifyMerchant parameter of the OrderProcess command. The e-mail address of the store. Set in the column EMAIL1 of the STADDRESS table.
Message for an authorized order OrderAuthorized Indicates that an order has been authorized. Guest shopper (who provided an e-mail address during order check-out process) or the registered shopper of the order.
Notification message for a canceled order OrderCancel Indicates that an order has been canceled. Guest shopper (who provided an e-mail address during order check-out process) or the registered shopper of the order.
Message for a changed order OrderChanged Indicates the order has been changed by a CSR. The e-mail will be sent to the customer. Guest shopper (who provided an e-mail address during order checkout process) or the registered shopper of the order.
Message for a received order OrderReceived Indicates that an order has been received. This message is sent when a shopper submits an order successfully. Guest shopper (who provided an e-mail address during order check-out process) or the registered shopper of the order. If the command is or, EMAIL1 of the billing address record in ADDRESS table is used.
Message for a rejected order OrderRejected Indicates that an order has been rejected. This message is sent when a shopper's order is rejected. Guest shopper (who provided an e-mail address during order checkout process) or the registered shopper of the order.
Notification message for password reset PasswordNotify Configure this message type to enable e-mail messages to be sent to customers with validation code to reset the password. The user whose password will be reset.
Confirmation message for password reset completed PasswordResetConfirmationNotify This message is sent when a password reset has been completed The user whose password will be reset.
Notification to task group approver for a task group changed to ready to approve state ReadyToApproveTaskGroupNotification Informs Task Group Approvers that a task group is ready for approval. Approvers of the task group.
Notification to content contributor for a task rejection RejectTaskNotification Informs Content Contributors that a task has been rejected. Members of the task.
Message for notifying the customer of an order release manifestation ReleaseShipNotify Informs customers of an order release manifest. Guest shopper (who provided an e-mail address during order check-out process) or the registered shopper of the order.
Notification of approved reseller registration ResellerRegistrationApprovedNotification Message sent by an administrator to a reseller to inform registration approval. User.Informs the user that registration was approved.
Notification of rejected reseller registration ResellerRegistrationRejectedNotification Message sent by an administrator to a reseller to inform registration rejection. User. Informs the user that registration was rejected.
User account activation by e-mail UserAccountEmailActivateMessage Enables e-mail messages to be sent to customers after they register with a store, if the account activation by e-mail change flow option is enabled. The customer that registered with the store.
Add an email template and showcase
The process of adding an email template requires creating layouts and presentation layers. For more information, see Add an email template and showcase to Next.js store.

Sitemap Generator

The Next.js store has been updated to include sitemap generation functionality for both homepage and static-page URLs. For more information, see Use Next.js store for email templates and sitemap generator.