WebSphere Commerce EnterpriseWebSphere Commerce Professional

Example: Creating and testing an Eclipse update site software package

This section explains the example of creating and testing an Eclipse update site software package.

Before you begin

  • A Tivoli server and Gateway are installed and configured with at least the TCM Software Distribution, Inventory, Activity Planner, and Change Manager features.
  • An Endpoint agent is running on the target client and successfully connecting with the Gateway. For production install by client imaging, the Endpoint agent should be installed in the prototype client and form part of the initial client image.
  • A second Windows client, the development client, has an Endpoint agent and a copy of the Tivoli Configuration Manager Software Package Editor component installed. The Software Package Editor is part of the Software Distribution function of TCM.
  • The Sales Center Client install CD image is available to the development client.
    Note: The Endpoint agent must be configured to run with a Windows user identity, and not with the Local Server identity. Eclipse Update Site installations will fail if the agent runs as Local Server.
  • Use the same user workspace location for all remote Sales Center client installations. This enables you to use the same package with hard-coded user workspace locations and avoids the difficulty of maintaining different packages for different workspaces.


The following steps will create a Software Package from an Eclipse Update Site. The Sales Center update site is used for purposes of illustration, but the same procedure can be used to distribute Update Sites built with your customizations:
  1. Update the Tivoli Desktop:
    1. Open Tivoli Desktop and log in.
    2. Click Hostname-region.
    3. Click Create > ProfileManager.
    4. Give the Profile Manager a meaningful name, such as SalesCenter7001.
    5. Click Create > Profile. Give the profile a meaningful name.
    6. Set the subscriptions for the profile. Refer to your Tivoli documentation for more details on subscriptions.
    7. Right-click the newly created profile, click Properties.
  2. Launch the Software Package Editor on the development client
    Accept all default values, click Set and Close.
  3. In the Software Package Editor Selector dialog, click Generic Software Package > OK.
  4. In the editor that opens, right-click the ProfileName package icon, in the left hand navigator then click Properties.
  5. In the Package Properties editor, choose the Variable list tab. In the variable editor type install_temp in the Name field and drive:\SalesCener70\temp in the Value field, then Click the Set button. When the distribution is installed, this variable must be set to the path where SalesCenter70 has already been installed. The drive:\SalesCener70\temp directory will be used to temporarily hold the install image files.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Back in the Software Package Editor, right Click the package icon again and select Insert > Program > Execute. An Execute Program Properties editor opens.
  8. In the Install tab of the Execute Program Properties editor type cmd.exe in the Path field. This is the program that will be executed, the Windows Command interpreter. Click the Advanced button and complete the properties as follows
    Arguments /c start $(install_temp)\sales.bat
    Inhibit parsing Not checked
    Working directory $(install_temp)
    Reporting standard error file on server Check
  9. Click OK.
  10. Copy the following text into a file named installfeature.bat located somewhere on the development client:
    SC_installdir\rcp\rcplauncher.exe -provisioningOperation provision "file:/SC_installdir/temp/install.xml" -application com.ibm.rcp.provisioning.application.ProvisioningApplication -data "RCP_data"
    In default Windows installations, the XPD workspace directory resolves to drive:\Documents and Settings\userid\Application Data\Lotus\XPD on the installed Sale Center nodes.
    C:\SalesCenter70\rcp\rcplauncher.exe -nl en_US -provisioningOperation provision "file:/C:/SalesCenter70/temp/install.xml" -application com.ibm.rcp.provisioning.application.ProvisioningApplication -data "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Lotus\XPD"

    The script assumes that it will be in the same directory where the update site's site.xml file is located.

  11. Edit this file replacing the text FEATUREID with the name of a feature to install and VERSION with its version number. To install Sales Center, replace FEATUREID with the name of the primary feature com.ibm.commerce.telesales.impl.feature and VERSION with 1.1.0. Any nested features in the update site will also be installed. If your site has more than one primary feature, replicate those lines and replace FEATUREID and VERSION with the corresponding values for the other features, as many times as necessary.
    Note that this script takes one command line argument, that is the path where an instance of WED4WL is already installed. The script assumes that it will be in the same directory where the update site's site.xml file is located. It implicitly creates an install site named "sc". You may encounter errors if you attempt to use an existing install site instead. In particular, the site at %WED_HOME%\shared\eclipse cannot be installed into using this mechanism.
  12. Create the widget attachment file to call the feature's update site. See, Customizing provisioned components.
  13. Back in the Execute program properties window, click OK.
  14. Back in the Software Package Editor, right-click on the package icon again then click Insert > Add object > Directory. The Add Directory Properties editor is displayed.
  15. In the Add Directory Properties window, select the ... button in the Source section. Navigate to the local file system location where the feature's update site install images then click Open. In the Add Directory Properties window, change the Destination Location to $(install_temp) and the Destination Name to ".", Click OK.
  16. Back in the Software Package Editor window, click File > Save, then click Return again to exit the Software Package Editor.
  17. Save in Software Package Block format as in the previous example. In the Profile Manager, right-click your profile then click Install, the feature's Update Site are deployed on the remote Sales Center.


The Tivoli Desktop can now be used to import the Software Distribution packages built in this section into a Profile Manager in the management region, and activities scheduled to distribute them to endpoints. There are other variations on the distribution mechanics where, for example, the corequisite files are served from a file server instead of being copied to each endpoint, or the package is served from a repeater depot.