WebSphere Commerce EnterpriseWebSphere Commerce Professional


An infopop is a small window associated with a particular widget. It displays context-sensitive help and links to related help topics for the widget. An infopop displays when the user puts focus on the widget and presses the F1 key. They are registered using the base Eclipse extension point org.eclipse.help.contexts. For the IBM Sales Center user interface elements the mappings are done programmatically by registering the infopop ID using the setHelp method on the class org.eclipse.ui.help.WorkbenchHelp (refer to the Workbench class API documentation for more information about using setHelp). The default IDs are defined in the Java interface com.ibm.commerce.telesales.ui.ITelesalesHelpContextIds and can be overridden using the System configurator extension point.

For example, to override the logon dialog infopop, create a new plug-in and add the following text to the system configurator file:


Define the infopop using the org.eclipse.help.contexts extension point.

Refer to the Eclipse platform documentationfor more information about Infopops.