Deleting merchandising associations

If you are out of inventory or modifying a catalog entry, you can delete any merchandising associations for that catalog entry.

Introduced in Feature Pack 1You can delete all the merchandising associations associated with the selected catalog entries. For example, if you are out of inventory for "hats", you can delete all the merchandising associations that references "hats".


  1. Open the Catalogs tool.
  2. From the explorer tree, select a catalog.
  3. Delete the merchandising associations:
    To delete one or more merchandising associations from a catalog entry
    1. Find the merchandising association you want to delete.
    2. Click the Merchandising Associations tab. The merchandising association information displays.
    3. Choose a merchandising association in the merchandising associations table.
    4. Click Delete. The merchandising association is deleted.
    5. Click Save and then click Close.
    Introduced in Feature Pack 1To delete all the merchandising associations for one or more catalog entriesIntroduced in Feature Pack 1
    1. Select one or more catalog entries you want to delete merchandising associations for.
    2. Right-click the selected catalog entries, and click Delete Merchandising Associations. The Delete Merchandising Associations dialog displays.
    3. Choose one or both of the merchandising association options that you want to delete:
      • To delete all the merchandising associations the selected catalog entry references, select the For the selected catalog entries, delete all associations listed on the Merchandising Associations tab check box.
      • To delete all the merchandising associations that reference the selected catalog entries, select the For the selected catalog entries, delete all associations listed on the References tab check box.