Viewing associated assets

You can view assets that are associated with a sales catalog, category, or catalog entry.


  1. Open the Catalogs tool.
  2. Find the sales catalog, category, or catalog entry you want to view the associated assets for.
  3. Open the properties view; then click the Associated Assets tab.
    Sequence The order in which the object is displayed on the storefront. Numbers are displayed in ascending order.
    Type Asset type is displayed. This field is read-only.
    Store If workspaces are enabled, or in an extended sites model; the store the asset belongs to.
    Path One of the following options are displayed:
    • The path of the file or URL displays when the file or URL is directly associated with the business object. The path also displays when there is only one file or URL in the attachment.
    • More than one asset displays when the business object associates an existing attachment with the business object. More than one asset displays when there are multiple files or URLs in the attachment.
    • No assets displays when there are no files or URLs in the attachment.
    Code The language independent identifier.
    Feature Pack 4Feature Pack 2Feature Pack 5WebSphere Commerce Version Pack 3Feature Pack 1Feature Pack 6Name Feature Pack 4Feature Pack 2Feature Pack 5WebSphere Commerce Version Pack 3Feature Pack 1Feature Pack 6The name of the asset.
    Feature Pack 7 or laterAdministrative name Feature Pack 7 or laterThe administrative name for the asset. This name displays only within Management Center.
    Feature Pack 7 or laterDisplay name Feature Pack 7 or laterThe name of the asset that displays in the storefront
    Usage The usage for the asset. The asset type, either images or documents, can affect the way that you display the asset on the storefront.
    Short Description A brief description. This field can be edited in multiple languages. Administrators and customers can see this description. In the storefront, when the customer hovers over the associated assets of the catalog object, this description is displayed.
    Long Description A detailed description, if applicable. This field can be edited in multiple languages. Administrators and customers can see this description. In the storefront, when the customer clicks Quick Info for an associated asset of the catalog object, this description is displayed.
    Note: This field is not displayed by default. To display a hidden field, right-click any column heading; then click Configure Columns.